
rude adj.1.粗陋的,粗笨的;未加工的。2.原始的,蒙昧的...


Mrs. ramage looked jenny up and down in a rude manner and walked to the back of the shop . 拉梅奇太太非常不禮貌地把詹妮從頭到腳打量了一番以后,朝店堂后面走去。

In his own restaurants, he would immediately fire any employee who was rude to a customer . 在他自己的餐館,如果有任何雇員對客人粗暴無禮,他會立刻將他解雇。

He struck off from the rude paths he had been following into the trackless wilderness . 他便離開了那條他一路行走的艱難曲折的小路,進入了茫茫無際的荒野之中。

He had to be rude to british to prove to french eyes that he was not a british puppet . 他不得不對英國人做出粗魯的樣子,以便向法國人表明他不是英國的傀儡。

A rude noise broke on these fine ripplings and whisperings, so far away and so clear . 一種粗重的聲音,遙遠而清晰,打破了這委婉的汩汩聲和低語般的喃喃聲。

Tom went first, cutting rude steps in the clay hill as he descended . 湯姆在前面走,他一面下去,一面在那粘土堆成的小山上挖一些簡單的階磴兒。

In the rude ages of society, cattle are said to have been the common instrument of commerce . 未開化社會,據說曾以牲畜作為商業上的通用媒介。

“ you need not be so rude about it , “ my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror . “你別這樣無禮,”我妻子邊照鏡子邊回答說。

The next day cherokee sal had such rude sepulture as roaring camp afforded . 第二天,切羅基人莎被草草地埋了,咆哮營能提供的不過如此。

Mahmoud ali would only make silly rude jokes about the party . 馬蒙德阿里雖然在,卻只管說些不三不四的笑話來揶揄、奚落那伙人。

There is no open area where the possessors at this rude village might congregate . 沒有什么空曠之地可以供這些原始村民集合開會。

The whole camp was collected before a rude cabin on the outer edge of the clearing . 全營的人都匯集在空地邊一間簡陋的小屋前。

When i wrote furiously i got a rude answer-but something was done . 我寫得激烈一些,我收到的信就會粗暴一些,但總還有點收獲。

I ought not to have let you tempt me into asking you a rude question . 我本來就不應該讓你慫恿我跟你提出一個無禮的問題。

Had you been brought up in his circumstances, would you be less rude ? 如果你也在他那樣的環境中長大,難道你會比他強嗎?

She is abominably rude to keep charlotte out of doors in all this wind . 她真太沒有禮貌,風這樣大,卻讓夏綠蒂待在門外。

There remained a rude table here--a plank on two posts . 這里還留著一張異常粗糙的桌子--是用兩條桿子支著一塊木板做成的。

Judith had scarcely attended to this rude attempt of hurry's consolation . 朱迪思對赫里的這些粗魯的安慰話根本不在意。

“sure!“ exclaimed the one who had asked her the rudest question. “ “當然!”先前對她提出那個魯莽問題的人喊道。