
ruddy adj.(-dier; -diest)1.紅的;微紅的;...

ruddy duck

My beloved is dazzling white yet ruddy , distinguished among ten thousand 10我的良人白而且紅,超乎萬人之上。

And that ' s why woe is us that edward george ruddy died 這就是為什么愛德華?喬治?盧迪的死會讓我們大家都難過

“ my beloved is dazzling and ruddy , outstanding among ten thousand 歌5 : 10我的良人、白而且紅、超乎萬人之上。

Having white hair and ruddy complexion , my grandfather is hale and hearty 我爺爺是位鶴發童顏的矍鑠老人。

You ' d ruddy well better be there 你他媽地最好在那里。

As a result the facial skin turns either pale or extremely ruddy 結果是臉部的皮膚變得不是蒼白就是鮮紅。

My lover is radiant and ruddy , outstanding among ten thousand 10 [和合]我的良人白而且紅,超乎萬人之上。

Ruddy pumpkinhead , isn ' t he 不覺得他像個紅色的南瓜嗎?

Ruddy pumpkinhead , isn ' t he ? 不覺得他像個紅色的南瓜嗎?

You know i ' ll be eyeball to eyeball with mr . ruddy on this 你知道在這件事上我和盧迪先生一直相持不下

The person of intentional dirty disease also often complexion is ruddy 有心臟疾病的人也往往臉色紅潤

My beloved is white and ruddy , the chiefest among ten thousand 10我的良人,白而且紅,超乎萬人之上。

My lover is radiant and ruddy , outstanding among ten thousand 10我的良人,白而且紅,超乎萬人之上。

He was too buoyant , too full of ruddy life , too assured 他太輕浮快活,太愛尋歡作樂,又太自信了。

There ' s no need to be so ruddy rude 沒有必要如此他媽地粗魯。

- congratulations . - thank you , mr . ruddy -恭喜-謝謝,魯迪先生

Congratulations . - thank you , mr . ruddy 恭喜-謝謝,魯迪先生

Their fur tends toward ruddy brown 他們的毛往往是順向的紅褐色。

His face looked ruddy in the firelight 他的臉在火光中顯得紅潤。