
ruction n.〔常pl.〕〔口語〕吵鬧,騷動。


In the following , it is expounded the studying actuality , and then the “ mvc “ architechure is maken out . one by one , the component of the architecture is thoroughly studed , the realizing mothod is explained , especially , the scene simulation engine is brain - new measured off , the ruction of parts is analyzed 隨后,本文闡述了“合成化視景仿真”軟件系統的mvc體系結構,對該體系結構的各個組成部分進行了深入的研究,說明相應的實現技術,特別對視景仿真的引擎系統進行了全新的劃分,深入分析引擎各子系統的功能。

The paper analyzes and compares the current technologies of web database integration in detail , researchs the key implement technologies of web database , tries to find a novel and efficient technology of the integration of web and database to builds a web database publishing model for the overall application of corporations and enterprises . then the paper implements the ruction of web publication of dynamic web pages , and provides multi - kind of network services . for the web database application system of engineering images & documents , a resolvent is proposed and the develop procedure of the project is given 本文對流行的web數據庫集成技術進行了比較詳細的分析與比較;對web數據庫的關鍵實現技術進行了研究;尋找新穎高效的web與數據庫集成的技術,建立一種面向企事業單位應用總體的web數據庫發布模式;實現在web上發布動態網頁,提供多種網上服務功能;最后提出了解決方案,并在實際項目中加以應用,建立了一種面向工程設計圖檔管理的web數據庫應用系統,給出了模型的開發過程,并展望了web數據庫技術的發展趨勢。

Abstract : this paper summarizes a series of tests and inve stigations on general layout , const ruction diversion , flood disposal , navigation , river closure , form of gate opening s ection , pattern of energy dissipation and scouring under sluice carried out for f eilaixia proj ect by the scientific research institute of prwrc during the period from 1983 to 1998 and presents their major results 文摘:綜合闡述了珠江水利委員會科學研究所從1983 ? 1998年間對飛來峽水利樞紐的整體布置、施工導流、泄洪、通航、截流、閘孔斷面形式、閘下消能形式、閘下沖刷等所進行的一系列試驗和研究工作,并介紹主要試驗研究成果。

It should jointly result from many factors , i . e . rapid expansion of personal assets among german inhabitants and their sharply rising demands for pension security in private hands as well as their value change , const ruction of european interior market and deregulation , tax policy incentives by the federal and enterprises ’ impulse to diversification 它是德國近來居民個人資產和私人養老需求急劇膨脹、價值觀轉變、歐洲內部市場建設和管制放松、國家稅收政策鼓勵以及企業多元化創新沖動等諸多因素合力的結果。

Central government is increasing input to the infrastructure const ruction , encouraging investment of all forms , implementing the policy of western development , so it is sure to increase the demands of cement . however , it should be made clear that , on one hand , the total output of cement exceeds the demands 國家加大基礎設施建設力度,鼓勵各種形式的投資,實施西部大開發戰略,無疑會增加水泥的需求數量,但是也應該看到一方面我國的水泥生產總量供大于求,另一方面水泥工業結構嚴重失調,難以滿足社會主義經濟建設和人民群眾日益增長的物質文化需要。

Working as the international organization between governments , its main ruction is to stipulate the conduction of each government , so it ' s the government ' s entry into wto . the rules of wto , with it ' s enormous legal system , it ' s wide - range from economy , politics , social life and various other parts of social activities Wto是一個政府間的國際組織,其規則體系主要是用來規范政府的。因此可以說,入世在一定意義上可以說是“政府入世” 。 wto規則作為一部龐大的法律體系,涉及經濟、政治、社會生活的諸多方面。

As a normal model of industrial development , chenery theory is widely accepted by the academics , which is a great theory guide and reference to ongoing industrial economy const ruction in many developing counties 作為工業化發展的一般模式,錢納里的工業化階段劃分理論得到了學術界的廣泛認可,對世界各國,尤其是廣大發展中國家進行的工業化經濟建設具有重要的理論指導和參考意義。

Later , the paper has told us something about the management method , technology and research of new tanker const ruction . the paper has particularly focused on how to put these theories into practice and guide practice 然后,本文介紹了一些工程管理方法,重點研究,如何將這些理論應用在實際中,并指導實際工作,這是本文的中心。

According to pr operty right economy this paper analyzes its influence upon environment of ac counting and puts forward a basic form of accounting system of modern const ruction enterprise under property right economy 本文從產權制度理論出發,剖析產權制度對會計環境的影響,提出產權經濟下現代建筑企業會計體系實現的基本方式。

The first half of the year will be challenging , as equities continue to be hit by credit market ructions , fears of recession in the us and uk and downward revisions to earnings forecasts 由于信貸市場動蕩將繼續沖擊股市,加之投資者擔心英美經濟衰退和企業調低盈利預測,今年上半年將十分艱難。

In a statement , the fed ' s rate - setting committee left the markets in little doubt that it would cut its main policy rate if their ongoing ructions hurt spending and jobs 在聯儲會決定利率的會議報告中給了市場以信心,聯儲會會削減其主要利率如果目前這場混亂影響到消費及就業。

But because of concrete ability of anti - pull to stretch very weak , a mass concrete const ruction cause cracking will be unavoidable 另外,由于混凝土的抗拉伸能力很弱,所以,大體積混凝土結構出現開裂就很難避免。

The application including const - ruction equipment , refuse truck , agriculture machines , plastic machines , steel industries etc 廣泛運用于建筑機械、工程車輛、農用機械、塑膠機械、鋼鐵工業等。

Abstract : checking and measuring the vert icality is very important in the vertical control of high - rise building const ruction 文摘:垂直度檢測在高層建筑施工的豎向控制中十分重要。

At present , our hydropower const ruction system exists the contradictory of finance demands and investment system 目前,我國水電建設體制還存在著資金需求與投資體制等突出的矛盾。

Thirdly , analyze the characters and ructions of this system and the structure of dsp 再次,在分析了整個系統完成功能的特點后,分析了dsp的結構和因此帶來的實時處理數據的優點。

Supervision points on jacking up steel - box ruction of self - anchored suspension bridge 自錨式懸索橋鋼箱梁頂升施工的監控要點

Discussion on speeding up the depreciation of the const ruction machinery and equipment 工程機械設備加速折舊的探討

Three linked china problems are now causing big ructions 三個環環相扣的中國問題現在正引起他們的不安。