
ruckus n.〔美口〕吵鬧,吵嚷;亂動,騷動。 raise a r...


That caused a very big ruckus be ? tween the two schools “ , he adds , “ with my sifu organising a big meeting between the two schools and chastising me , which i deserved . it ' s funny , because i would never tolerate one of my students doing that sort of thing today . . . “ “ , 引起了很大的騷動-吐溫兩校“ ,他補充道, “我對阜舉辦大型會議之間的兩所學校和鞭撻我,是我應得的.它的有趣,因為我從來不會容忍之一我的學生做這種事,今天… …

Introduction : no company bosses would like to see staff working hours create a ruckus , laughing and joking . yes , the boss , this is really infuriating pieces of the matter to know how to avoid such a situation to arise 沒錯,對老板來說,這真是件惱火的事,想知道如何避免這樣的情況出現?當然是得教訓一下這些調皮的員工,灌了水的氣球是個很好的主意

No company bosses would like to see staff working hours create a ruckus , laughing and joking . yes , the boss , this is really infuriating pieces of the matter to know how to avoid such a situation to arise 沒錯,對老板來說,這真是件惱火的事,想知道如何避免這樣的情況出現?當然是得教訓一下這些調皮的員工,灌了水的氣球是個很好的主意

The media is now run by corporations who want to make money , entertain , not cause any ruckuses , be as bland and inoffensive as possible , avoid costly investigations and possible litigations 如今管理媒體的公司想賺錢,娛樂,不引起任何騷動,盡可能的平和并且不惹人厭惡,避免昂貴的調查及可能的法律訴訟。

At the void deck of a block of flats , two chinese and malay children were causing a ruckus , as they fought over a toy and pushed and jostled each other 組屋樓下,華族和馬來族兩個孩童因爭玩具而你推我攘大聲吵鬧。

What you wanna do , cocksuckers ? we glock busters til the cops cuff us , we ll start ruckus and drop blockbusters 說不出有多愛靠近我你會明白一雙眼為你開心情也洶涌澎湃哦

The ruckus left at least 69 people injured and turned prague into a smoky battle zone 這場騷動造成了至少六十九人受傷,布拉格也因此成了煙霧彌漫的戰場。

Bring the ruckus to all you knotty head fuckas shit s like hammer time , niggas can t touch us 在你剛剛離開的沙發輕輕坐下拿起了你喝過的咖啡貼著臉頰

But following the ruckus over the aep , several states are tinkering with the course material 但是隨著aep引發諸多爭議,數個邦都在對教材亂改一氣。

What ' s this ruckus 什么事這么吵?

Kicking up a ruckus 是誰在大吵大鬧

And cause a ruckus , huh 來吵架是嗎

Making an awful ruckus . they ' ll come when they ' re needed 我們打斗得很吵啊-我需要的時候他們會趕到的

“ these gas giants cause quite a ruckus , “ raymond said “這些氣態的巨形怪物總能引起混亂. “雷蒙德說

Yeah ? - everything ok ? we heard an awful ruckus 你好? -沒發生什么事吧?我們聽到很大的動靜

- yeah ? - everything ok ? we heard an awful ruckus -你好? -沒發生什么事吧?我們聽到很大的動靜

He ' s making a ruckus , and all the neighbors are mad 他在制造噪音,鄰居們都憤怒了!

Even last year at this function you had created a ruckus 去年的時候你就吵到別人了