
ruck vt.弄皺。vi.變縐,起縐。n.縐,褶。


He was impelled to suggest “ locksley hall , “ and would have done so , had not his vision gripped him again and left him staring at her , the female of his kind , who , out of the primordial ferment , creeping and crawling up the vast ladder of life for a thousand thousand centuries , had emerged on the topmost rung , having become one ruth , pure , and fair , and divine , and with power to make him know love , and to aspire toward purity , and to desire to taste divinity - him , martin eden , who , too , had come up in some amazing fashion from out of the ruck and the mire and the countless mistakes and abortions of unending creation 若不是他的幻影又抓住了他,讓他盯住著她他幾乎真會說了出來。這跟他同一種屬的女人,從遠占的萌動評始,在生命的宏大的階梯上爬行掙扎,經過了億萬斯年,才在最高層出現,演化出了一個露絲,純潔美麗神圣,有力量讓他理解愛情,向往純潔,渴望品嘗神性的滋味地,馬丁伊登,也是。以某種令人驚詫的方式從泥淖中,從無數的錯誤和無窮多流產的創作中爬出來的。

I have the happiness of being your husband he got up and kissed veras hand , but on the way turned back the corner of the rug , which was rucked - up . and how did i obtain all this ? chiefly by knowing how to select my acquaintances 目前我的同學們都還是無用之物,而我就要接任團長的空缺了,我有幸當了您的丈夫他站立起來,吻吻薇拉的手,在向她走去的時候,他把地毯的折角弄平了。

After his latest nightclub ruck , inter are sounding out interested clubs about the brazilian and have contacted real madrid , barcelona and fiorentina so far 在他夜總會打架時間之后,國米試探了對這名巴西前鋒感興趣的俱樂部的意向,到目前為止已經和皇家馬德里,巴塞羅那和佛羅倫薩進行了接觸

Braking test when laden : the braking track shall not be longer than 2 . 5 meters after a cute braking when the ruck is traveling in full speed with 1 . 5 m / t test load on the forks 荷重時剎車檢定:牙叉荷重1 . 5噸砝碼時,以全速(最高速)行駛,在緊急剎車時,其剎車痕跡不得超過2 . 5公尺。

Can t stop , robinson , i am hastening to purchase the only reliable inkeraser kansell , sold by hely s ltd , 85 dame street . well out of that ruck i am 魯濱孫,我不能耽誤,得趕緊去買唯一靠得住的坎塞爾牌消字靈,戴姆街八十五號希利商店出售的。

His gaze brooded on his broadtoed boots , a buck s castoffs nebeneinander : he counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another s foot had nested warm 他的視線落在寬頭長統靴上,一個花花公子183丟棄的舊物,并列著184 。

The swi cities of bern , geneva and zurich will also host matches along with austria ‘ s salzburg , i ruck and klagenfurt 瑞士的伯爾尼、日內瓦和蘇黎士以及奧地利的薩爾茨堡、因斯布魯克和克拉根福都將承辦此次賽事。

And yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots 但是他的作品在同時代的湊韻詩人里可是有如胡蘿卜堆里的紅寶石。

He was eager to get out of the ( common ) ruck and distinguish himself in some way 他渴望出人頭地,在某方面與眾不同

Mrs breen screams gaily . o , you ruck 你認得我。

About his dress and his neat figure was that studied ease which lifts men from the ruck of common bridegrooms . 他的服裝和英俊的身材,處處流露著一種故意裝成的翩翩風度,是一種使人覺得高于一般新郎的風度。

He struggled among the ruck of writers so as to hold a place in the immature literary circles of america . 他處在一大批互相排擠的文人中,力爭在幼稚的美國文壇上得一席之地。

His being higher in learning and birth than the ruck soldiers is anything but a proof of his worth . 他的學問、他的出身比普通當兵的高,決不證明他有出息。