
ruby n.魯比〔女子名〕。

ruby copper

Which attracts you more , ruby or emerald 紅寶石和綠寶石,您更喜歡哪一個?

You ll also note that ruby s constructors are named 您還會注意到, ruby的構造函數名為

Jacky : ruby , ruby ! can you hear me ? please go for someone ?聽得見了嗎?去找人來幫忙

As parameters , which basically says to ruby 作為參數,這基本上就是告訴ruby

The red of the ruby is incomparable : warm and fiery 溫暖與火熱。紅色象征

This is ruby the psychic , ruby the night owl 這里是預言家魯比,夜貓子魯比

Ruby ) just so ' s you know , you ain ' t eatin ' inside , 這只是你的想法你不能在屋里吃東西

Ruby just so ' s you know , you ain ' t eatin ' inside , 這只是你的想法你不能在屋里吃東西

The ring has a ruby in a silver setting 這枚戒指的銀底座上鑲著一塊紅寶石

I gather l . i need permission from you , ruby , 我想.我需要征得你的同意,魯比

A : ruby , this is going to be a great picnic . ruby , 這次野餐將是最棒的一次!

Ruby s unit testing framework is a bit different Ruby的單元測試框架有點兒不一樣。

Ain ' t nobody never told you that , ruby 難道以前沒有人這么告訴過你嗎,魯碧?

Ruby , you ' re not going to leave me too , are you 魯比,你不是也要離開我吧,對嗎?

“ ruby thewes , you are a c - a - t - a - s - t - r - o - p - h - e , “魯比?蒂維斯,你就是:浩劫

96 supreme art the ruby within supreme art the ruby within 96無上藝術內在的寶石

Buy ruby lin s books , dvd and cd at amazon . com 購買“林心如”的書籍和音像制品

( ruby ) there ' s a place close . old cherokee , it used to be 附近有處切羅基人的老屋

There are many legends associated with ruby 藍寶石與紅寶石一樣,傳說有醫療作用。