
rubicon n.(原為意大利一河名)〔r-〕【皮克牌】比對手早得百分...


A pause - in which i began to steady the palsy of my nerves , and to feel that the rubicon was passed ; and that the trial , no longer to be shirked , must be firmly sustained 他又停頓了一下。在這間隙,我開始讓自己緊張的神經穩定下來,并覺得魯比孔河已經渡過,既然審判已無法回避,那就只得硬著頭去忍受了。

“ caesar has crossed the rubicon ! “ was shouted along the roads and byways leading to rome ; and the country people turned out to meet and hail with joy the conquering hero 在通往羅馬的大街小巷上,到處都呼喊著“愷撒越過盧比孔河了! ” 。鄉村里的人們都奔走歡呼,準備迎接這位勝利的英雄。

Soon the news was carried to rome : “ caesar has crossed the rubicon ; “ and there was great dismay among those who had plotted to destroy him 愷撒越過盧比孔河了, “這一消息很快就傳到了羅馬,在那些曾經密謀消滅他的人中間引起了極大的恐慌。

On foot , on horseback , in litters , in carriages , they fled for their lives - all because caesar had crossed the rubicon 他們或徒步,或騎馬,或坐轎子,或乘馬車,紛紛逃命- -只因為愷撒越過了盧比孔河。

“ we have crossed the rubicon , “ he cried as he reached the farther shore . “ there is now no turning back . “我們已經越過盧比孔河了, ”他到達河的對岸時喊道, “現在只有前進,決不后退。

The word was carried a second time to the city : “ caesar has crossed the rubicon , “ and the wild flight began 消息再次傳到羅馬: “愷撒越過盧比孔河了。 ”于是大家倉惶出逃,一片慌亂。

- this is the rubicon . - stay calm -盧比肯河-冷靜

This is the rubicon . - stay calm 盧比肯河-冷靜

Caesar has crossed the rubicon 愷撒已經渡過了盧比肯河

Is a virtual rubicon of information , 是一條信息的虛擬界限

Once over the rubicon , romans are citizens , not soldiers 一旦越過盧比肯河羅馬人就不再是士兵而是公民了

At last they came to a little river called the rubicon 最后,他們來到了一條叫做盧比孔的小河邊。

The rubicon once crossed , they set to work with a will 事已定局,他們就起勁地干了起來。