
rubens Rubens , Peter Paul 魯本斯〔1577...


Michael schumacher believes that bridgestone and ferrari will still be competitive despite the temperature drop , while jenson button and rubens barrichello at honda ( the japanese team went testing with anthony davidson and james rossiter at vallelunga in italy last week ) are keeping a low profile while inevitably praying that melbourne will provide the big breakthrough 盡管溫度下降,邁克爾-舒馬赫相信普利司通和法拉利仍然會具有競爭實力,而本田(日本車隊上周在意大利的瓦倫西亞派出安東尼-戴維森和詹姆士-羅斯特舉行了測試)的簡森-巴頓和魯本-巴里切羅在祈求墨爾本能給他們帶來大突破的同時繼續保持低調。

The present paper analyzes the scapegoat motif in two representative novels of contemporary jewish woman writer bernice rubens with the indication that it is this scapegoat identity that determines the characters ' tragic life 摘要本文解析了當代英國猶太女作家伯尼斯?魯本思的兩部代表性小說中的替罪羊形象,指出正是這種替罪羊身份決定了主人公悲劇性的人生。

The garden was crossed by a path of red gravel , edged by a border of thick box , of many years growth , and of a tone and color that would have delighted the heart of delacroix , our modern rubens 花園里有一條紅色的石子鋪成的小徑,兩旁夾著已經生長了很多年的茂密的黃楊樹,其色彩和風格,要是讓我們當代的繪畫大師德拉克絡斯看了心里一定會很喜歡的。

Honda showed that their return to form in germany was not an illusion by finishing jenson button ( two stops ) and rubens barrichello ( one ) in fifth and sixth places for another seven points 本田證明了他們在德國的狀態恢復并不是曇花一現,簡森-巴頓(兩次進站)和魯本-巴里切羅(一次進站)分別拿到了第五名和第六名,一共是七個積分。

21 awerbuch b , holmer d , rubens h . the pulse protocol : energy efficient infrastructure access . in proc . ieee infocom 2004 , hong kong , china , march 2004 , pp . 1467 - 1478 Floodnet有效地證實了在自然環境中運用普適計算的可能性,同時顯示了適應性取樣在能量節省方面的作用及其對具有能量意識的路由協議設計的影響。

Furniture by chippendale and sheraton , paintings by gainsborough , holbein , reynolds and rubens , ancient greek and roman statuary and exquisite porcelain and china are all on view inside the house 赫伍德城堡建于1699年,他擁有數目龐大,種類多樣的藏品,包括家具,畫作,瓷器和雕塑。

Takuma sato was one of the stars of the race as he resolutely kept rubens barrichello and coulthard behind him for many laps in the first stint 佐藤琢磨是這場比賽的其中一個良點,原因是在第一次進站之前,他把魯本-巴里切羅和庫塔擋在了后面很多圈。

Rumour is that mark webber would like to try out the circuit in a “ normal ” car ? a porsche i was told but is rubens beating him on that 傳聞中馬克?韋伯將來到這里來用一輛“普通”的車? ?一輛保時捷來測試這條“賽道” ,難道魯本斯將要代替他這么做?

In the next few laps , before the second pit stops , the closest fight was between rubens barrichello in sixth , and pedro de la rosa in seventh 正賽時的氣溫達到了42攝氏度,賽道溫度更達56攝氏度,這創造了一級方程式大獎賽歷史上的新紀錄。

All this while , rubens were busy in the bar area and at around 20 : 00 , rubens and the guests were invited to the dining hall to be seated 在這個時候,魯本斯非常忙,那時候已經20 : 00了,魯本斯和其他客人被邀請到了餐廳。

All this while , rubens were busy in the bar area and at around 20 : 00 , rubens and the guests were invited to the dining hall to be seated 整個這段時間,本在酒吧區都很忙碌,差不多20 : 00時,本很客人們被邀請去飯廳就坐。

Rubens , best grid position so far this year , i think . do you feel yourself a potential winner here 問:魯本,我想這是你到今年目前為止拿到的最好的發車區位置。你感覺自己在這里是一位可能的贏家嗎?

It was not for no reason that the name ruby was derived from the latin word rubens , meaning red 紅色代表熱情紅寶石的顏色是影響其價格的主要因素。紅寶石一詞源于拉丁文

The driving performances of jenson and rubens are very similar to each other - they will push each other 簡森和魯本的比賽表現非常類似,他們將會互相激勵。

He was only third on the podium though , as 1st and 2nd went to rubens barrichello and jenson button 但他也只是得一席季軍.冠亞軍屬于巴里哲奴及畢頓

Rubens and england 魯本斯和英倫

Nf : my prediction is to see that rubens is getting more settled in the team 尼克-弗瑞:我的預測就是會看到魯本越來越習慣車隊。

And there was more good news in rubens barrichello ' s welcome return to form 另外的好消息來自于魯本-巴里切羅,他回到了狀態。

Or , in the case of the 50 most comely , in front of a rubens 而50個長相最標志的模特還特意站在雕塑前接受特別拍攝。