
rubella n.【醫學】風疹,流行性薔薇疹。


In october , the number of notifications of rubella was 3 十月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有3宗。

In january , the number of notifications of rubella was 8 一月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有8宗。

In october , the number of notifications of rubella was 2 十月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有2宗。

Epidemiological analysis of rubella in sichuan province from 2000 to 2005年四川省風疹流行病學分析

In october , the number of notifications of rubella was 1 十月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有1宗。

In october , the number of notifications of rubella was 4 十月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有4宗。

In january , the number of notifications of rubella was 0 一月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有0宗。

In october , the number of notifications of rubella was 6 十月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有6宗。

In january , the number of notifications of rubella was 3 一月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有3宗。

In january , the number of notifications of rubella was 2 一月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有2宗。

In january , the number of notifications of rubella was 5 一月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有5宗。

In january , the number of notifications of rubella was 7 一月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有7宗。

In may , the number of notifications of rubella was 633 五月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有633宗。

In august , the number of notifications of rubella was 3 八月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有3宗。

In august , the number of notifications of rubella was 1 八月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有1宗。

In august , the number of notifications of rubella was 0 八月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有0宗。

In august , the number of notifications of rubella was 2 八月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有2宗。

In july , the number of notifications of rubella was 47 七月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有47宗。

In april , the number of notifications of rubella was 7 四月份,風疹德國麻疹的呈報個案有7宗。