
rubble n.【建筑】毛石,塊石;碎石,卵石,粗石;碎磚,瓦礫。a...

rubble work

Eva rubble stamp Eva膠皮章

Analysis and control of compaction by blasting to construct deep water rubble - mound foundation 深水拋石基床爆夯施工影響分析及其控制

Is this rubble 這是碎石吧?

Rubble mound seawall 堆石海堤

Rubble wooden stamp 木頭膠皮章

Random rubble wall 不規則砌石墻

Rubble mound breakwater 拋石防波堤

Cement rubble masonry 水泥毛石圬工

Rubble deposition works 沉積毛石工程

Except for the water tower , the batmobile , the rubble known as las vegas 拉斯維加斯除了水塔,蝙蝠戰車和碎石比較出名以外

They are found in seagrass , rubble - strewn sand bottom , and coral reef 海膽的管足比較長,用來爬行、呼吸、排泄及感應環境。

Rubble stone retaining wall 毛石擋土墻

We need more rubble 我們還需要更多碎石

Pointed squared - rubble wall 有勾縫的毛石墻

I ' ve been reduced to rubble 我成了一堆垃圾!

People hardly believe that the place was once a stretch of rubble and ruins 讓人難以相信,這里曾經是一片廢墟。

Rubble covered the pavement 人行道上鋪了碎石塊

Driving rain has forced some to return to the rubble of their homes 大雨的來臨迫使一些人返回滿是瓦礫的家中。

Random rubble armoured structure 不規則堆石護面結構