
rubbery adj.(形態、性質等)似橡膠的。n.-iness


“ as long as you wear your safety goggles , you re good . “ milton , 26 , of eugene , ore . , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored , rubbery mass 5 1 2 feet high and 19 feet around onto a giant scale in downtown chicago for the official weigh - in 26歲的俄勒網州尤金小伙兒milton看著四個大力士將高5 1 2英尺周長19英尺的彩色橡膠團推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,進行官方稱重。

Doctors figure this old wives “ tale was invented to prevent kids from swallowing the rubbery substance . yawning is “ contagious “ empirically , this is tough to deny ; perhaps you ' ll yawn while reading this 醫生們認為,上述這種不正確的說法之所以會出現,可能是因為人們為了不讓孩子們將這種橡膠性物質吞咽到肚子里,所想出來的辦法。

Milton , 26 , of eugene , ore . , watched as four bodybuilders rolled the multicolored , rubbery mass 5 1 2 feet high and 19 feet around onto a giant scale in downtown chicago for the official weigh - in 26歲的俄勒網州尤金小伙兒milton看著四個大力士將高5 1 2英尺周長19英尺的彩色橡膠團推上位于芝加哥的巨型天平,進行官方稱重。

“ a lot of cheddar cheese today is young , slippery and rubbery . it ' s really tasteless , “ he says , with samples of grafton cheddar that ' s been aged four , five and even six years 現在有很多切達乳酪熟成不夠,滑滑的,像橡皮一樣。真是味同嚼蠟。他這么說,而那些格拉夫頓的切達樣品都已經熟成了四、五甚至六年。

He was coming after her now . faster … faster ! she commanded her rubbery legs . you won ' t get away with this , she swore to herself . i won ' t let you beat me 現在,他正一步一步朝她走過來。快跑,跑快些!她命令自己的兩條腿,它們在求生信念的驅使下動作已機械化了。你休想得逞,她暗自發誓,我不會讓你抓住我!

Jiangsu nangtong jinqiu line co . , ltd is specialized in all kinds of nylon sash , bag webbing rubbery lace , flower - woven tie and other products coordinated to high - grade underclothing 江蘇省南通金秋線帶有限公司專業生產高檔內衣配套的各種氨綸肩帶、包邊帶、彈力花邊帶、電腦提花帶及其他帶類產品。

Children can climb up a rubbery wall of simulated skin to explore warts and pimples . a cave - like walk - through nose sniffs and sneezes on the unfortunate passerby 在展館內,孩子們可以爬上一面由橡膠制成的模擬皮膚墻,在上面他們可以發現疣和粉刺。

Then a chemical precursor to pdms ? a free - flowing liquid ? is poured over the bas - relief master and cured into the rubbery solid 然后把pdms的化學前驅物(一種可隨意流動的液體)倒在淺浮雕主片上,使它凝結為固體橡膠。

Potato chips aren ' t rubbery and blubbery like fat . they ' re crispy and crunchy like lettuce . that proves they ' re diet food 薯片不像肥肉一樣有彈性和多脂,他們像生菜一樣清脆、易碎,這證明他是很好的減肥食品。

Potato chips aren ' t rubbery and blubbery like fat , they ' re crispy and crunchy like lettuce , that proves they ' re diet food 薯片不像脂肪那樣多脂、有彈性,他們很脆并像生菜一樣易碎,那證明他們是低熱量食品。

His rubbery look , and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in 他那似橡膠我眼神,以及對狂野和極至行為的酷愛,令他名聲遠揚,樂此不疲。

His rubbery look , and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in 他那似橡膠的眼神,以及對狂野和極至行為的酷愛,令他名聲遠揚,樂此不疲。

A mild , white italian cheese that has a rubbery texture and is often eaten melted , as on pizza 白干酪一種味淡的、白色的并有彈性的意大利奶酪,通常融化放在比薩餅上吃

Collagen , a strong rubbery protein , supports the earflaps and the tip of nose in humans 一種像橡膠一樣有韌性的蛋白質? ?膠原,支撐著人的耳骨和鼻尖。

Trolls are savage , rubbery grey - green skinned giants with a voracious appetite for flesh 巨魔都是野蠻的,他們有灰綠色橡膠般的皮膚和對肉類貪婪。

Loved the comfort it gave me as i drew on its slippery , rubbery tip 愛我吸吮著它那溜滑的橡膠頭兒時候的那種安心的感覺。

All i ' ve got is this rubbery snout 因為我穿著橡膠頭套

The meat ' s a bit rubbery - you didn ' t cook it for long enough 這肉有點嚼不爛,你燒得火候不夠!

The desired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition of the glassy monomer to the rubbery seed lattx . 通過往橡皮狀種子膠乳中分批加入“玻璃狀”單體,則不能得到所要求的多相結構。