
rubberneck n.〔美俚〕1.橡皮套管。2.伸長脖子看的人,好圍觀的人...


Since he had been an officer for some years , and had mixed among the other officers and civil servants , with their wives and families , he had lost all ambition to get on . there was a toughness , a curious rubbernecked toughness and unlivingness about the middle and upper classes , as he had known them , which just left him feeling cold and different from them 自從他當過幾年軍官,并且和其他的軍官和公務員以及他們的家庭交往以來,他的一切雄心都死了,他認識了中上階級是堅韌的,象橡膠一樣奇異的堅韌,卻缺乏生命,這使他覺得冰冷,而且覺得自己和他們是多么相異。

Alternatively , using the eye itself as the camera would solve the rubbernecking problem , and our chip ' s 3 , 600 ganglion - cell outputs should provide near - normal vision 反過來,用眼睛當攝影機就可以解決這個搖頭晃腦的問題,而且我們晶片上3600個節細胞的輸出,應該可以提供幾近正常的視野。

A : what ' s going on ? why is everyone slowing down and rubbernecking 發生什么事了?為什么大家都把慢下來而且東張西望的?

What ' s going on ? why is everyone slowing down and rubbernecking 發生什么事了?為什么大家都把慢下來而且東張西望的?

Two cars smashed together and a cluster of rubbernecks gathered around . 兩輛汽車相撞,一群好奇的人圍攏起來觀看。

He is a rubberneck . 他是個愛問長問短的人。

She rubbernecked through shanghai last month . 她上月游覽了上海。