
rtt RTT =radioteletype.


To mitigate tcp bias to short rtt connections , a differentiated service traffic conditioner can ensure connections with long rtt do not starve when connections with short rtt get all extra resource after achieving the target rate 為了緩解tcp對于rtt較小流的偏向,區分服務的流量調節機制在rtt較小的流取得目標速率且獲得多余資源的情況下可以確保rtt較大流不至于饑餓。

In view of the increasing number of river trade vessels operating between the pearl river delta and hong kong , the first dedicated river trade terminal ( rtt ) is being built at tuen mun in the north - west new territories 鑒于往來珠江三角洲與香港之間的內河船只數目不斷增加,首個專為內河貨運而設的內河貨運碼頭已在新界西北的屯門動工。

Next , the thesis analysis the characterization of roundtrip time delay ( rtt ) . the rtt time series collected from the internet are studied statistically by using both linear and nonlinear methods 其次,對網絡時延( rtt )特性進行了分析,利用線性和非線性方法對從互聯網上采集的rtt時間序列進行統計分析。

Then we construct the corresponding transfer matrix to determine the rtt integrability of dirac oscillator and gain the conserved quantities of the system according to quantum determinant 接著構造出相應的整體轉移矩陣,確定dirac諧振子在rtt意義下的量子可積性的問題,并由量子行列式確定體系的守恒量族。

For example , the yangian symmetry and rtt integrability of hydrogen atom had been reported at length [ 21 ] . but many pursuits were concentrated on non - relativistic area 如我們所熟悉的氫原子問題中就存在yangian對稱性及rtt意義下的量子完全可積性,但這方面的研究大部分集中于非相對論的情況。

The name copp comes from the particular probe scheme , chirps of packet pairs . a chirp of packet pairs is composed of several packet pairs with decremental inter - packet spacing 利用tcp的特殊語義并以報文周轉時間rtt代替單向延遲,可得到僅配置在發送端的capest ,其靈活性較好但精度明顯降低。

Based on the ls alg orithm , the mobile packet routing is implemented using the propagation mode of d bf algorithm and the global routing topology table ( rtt ) 基于鏈路-狀態算法,采用距離-矢量算法的傳播方法和全局的路由拓撲表,實現了移動分組無線網的抗毀式路由協議。

The completion of ct9 and the rtt will enable hong kong to maintain its role as the premier port for southern china well into the first decade of the next century 九號貨柜碼頭和內河貨運碼頭的落成,可令香港作為華南地區第一大港的角色,一直維持至下一世紀的頭10年。

Compared to the traditional parameter - fixed autoregressive moving average ( arma ) method , the mep algorithm is adaptive and capable of tracking rtt dynamics rapidly 與傳統的參數固定的自回歸滑動平均( arma )方法比較, mep算法是自適應的并能夠迅速動態地跟蹤rtt 。

The existing methods for rtt - aware conditioner work well when the congestion level is low . otherwise , they often over - protect the flows with long rtt and starve short rtt flows 但是當網絡擁塞程度較重時,由于對rtt較大流的過分保護而導致rtt較小流饑餓。

To measure a rtt sample is easy in theory . only using the value of time when ack is received subtracts the value of time when sent the segment 在理論上,測定一個往返時間樣本是很簡單的,只需把收到確認信息的時間值減去發送這個報文段的起始時間值即可。

With the full completion of the first tuen mun rtt in end 1999 , it is expected that the second rtt would not be required until the next decade 本港首個位于屯門的內河貨運碼頭,于一九九九年年底全面落成后,預料在未來十年再無須興建第二個內河貨運碼頭。

Based on these findings , it is concluded that rtt time series can be characterized by linear models in estimating next rtt from past and current observations 因此rtt時間序列能用線性模型從過去的和當前的rtt數據來預測其下一個rtt的特性。

The end - to - end tcp congestion control based on the window mechanism cause the throughput of tcp connection inversely proportional to the connection round trip time ( rtt ) Tcp端到端的擁塞控制機制使得tcp連接獲得的瓶頸帶寬反比于rtt 。

Enables calculation of rtt in a more accurate way see rfc 1323 than the retransmission timeout ; should be enabled for performance 以一種比重發超時更精確的方法(請參閱rfc 1323 )來啟用對rtt的計算;為了實現更好的性能應該啟用這個選項。

Most commonly used to check accessibility to a host but can also be used to identify the rtt for the bandwidth - delay - product calculation 這是用于檢查主機的可用性的最常用的工具,但是也可以用于識別帶寬延時產品計算的rtt 。

Hon albert chan raised a question on alleged breach of land grant conditions by river trade terminal ( rtt ) company limited 陳偉業議員就香港內河碼頭( “內河碼頭“ )有限公司涉嫌違反批地條款提出質詢。

The emergence of the first rtt has provided an alternative to pcwas to pick up both river and bulk cargo 首個內河貨運碼頭的建成,為河運和散裝貨物的裝運提供了在公眾貨物裝卸區以外的另一個選擇。

Spel , men utdelningen sker frn en annan tabell dr du mste trffa rtt p flera nummer fr att kunna f utdelning , men dr utdelningen r strre 中更多high roller只要您在金路票上標選一個以上的號碼,