
rsc RSC =Reactor Safeguards Comm...


Finally , based on analysis of the development of foreign buildings of the similar type and the major factors which might influence the design of the rsc in the future , the thesis puts forward the prospects for the rsc design : to fulfill the material and spiritual needs of the residents and help construct an excellent human living environment by insisting on a “ people first “ and eco - friendly development 最后,論文通過對國外某些類似建筑類型的發展情況和今后將對住區會所設計產生影響的主要因素的分析,提出了對面向未來的住區會所設計的展望: “以人為本” 、生態發展,滿足大眾物質、精神的需要,共同構筑優秀的人類居住環境。

“ members in general welcome the work of the working group to enhance the supervision and quality of foundation works and ground investigation works by setting out more clearly the respective responsibilities of authorized person ( ap ) , registered structural engineer ( rse ) , registered general building contractor ( rgbc ) and registered specialist contractor ( rsc ) in these works , “ professor yeung said 楊汝萬說:委員普遍歡迎該小組的工作,包括清楚列明認可人士、注冊結構工程師、注冊一般建筑承建商和注冊專門承建商在地基工程和土地勘察工程方面的個別責任,以加強監督工作和工程質素。

Because the rsc is the related support project of the residential quarters and has a very strong sense of locality , the rest of the thesis focuses on how to create the rsc with regional characteristics . furthermore , the thesis will propose one pattern of rsc ? ? “ extensive rsc “ , and analyzes its applicability and design rules 所以論文隨后又著重探討了創造具有地域特色的住區會所的方法與手段,進而提出了一種具有強烈地域特色的住區會所形態? ? “泛會所” ,并分析了它的適用范圍與設計法則。

The royal society of chemistry ( rsc ) is one of the largest organisations in europe for advancing the chemical sciences . supported by a network of 45 , 000 members worldwide and an internationally acclaimed publishing business , its activities include education and training , conferences and science policy , and the promotion of chemical sciences to the public 英國皇家化學學會( royalsocietyofchemistry ( rsc ) )是歐洲其中一個規模最大專為推動化學發展的機構,擁有四萬五千名成員,分布世界各地,出版業務備受國際推崇;學會活動繁多,包括教育及培訓工作,舉行會議及制訂科學政策,以及向大眾推廣化學。

The research purpose of this thesis is to discuss the material and spiritual needs of the residents on the basis of behavior laws of the residents of different age groups and educational levels , and how these needs affect the design of multi - functional complex , and then to summarize the basic rules that should be followed by the designers , trying to establish theoretical frames which could provide guidance for the design of rsc 本論文的研究目的就是從不同年齡、文化層次的住區居民的行為活動規律出發,探討居民對住區會所在物質上與精神上的需求,以及這些需求對住區會所設計的影響,總結出會所設計所要遵循的基本原則,試圖構筑起指導住區會所設計的理論框架。

The award was made for her innovative design and synthesis of metal - based luminescent materials and novel contributions to light - induced chemical reactions . she is the first chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by rsc to recognize her research contributions to inorganic chemistry 2005年,任教授憑著她在金屬基發光材料的合成研究和創新設計,以及就光化學反應所作的嶄新貢獻成為首位獲英國皇家化學學會頒授百周年講座獎的華人學者。

Unlike many other international theatre companies , the rsc operates a repertoire system under which actors take on several roles in a range of plays - nowhere but with the rsc can you see an ensemble of actors facing the challenge of so many different demanding roles across a season 與其他國際性的戲劇公司不同,這里的演員在演出保留劇目時,會同時出演不同角色? ?除了這里你再也不會看到,在演出時節,所有演員都要面臨需求如此不同的角色。

Secondly , the thesis will analyze the types of the present rsc from a macroscopic point of view , probing deep into what patterns of rsc could properly fit the different patterns of residential quarters , and as a result , what kinds of residential culture could be created 其次,論文從宏觀的角度分析了目前住區會所存在的類型,深入地探討了住區會所與不同類型住區的適配模式以及在這種模式下所能形成的居住文化氛圍。

She is the first chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by rsc to recognize her research contributions to inorganic chemistry . the award was made for her innovative design and synthesis of metal - based luminescent materials and novel contributions to light - induced chemical reactions 任教授憑著她在金屬基發光材料的合成研究和創新設計,以及就光化學反應所作的嶄新貢獻獲頒這個獎項。

In china , with the housing construction advancing rapidly , more and more residential services complexes ( rsc ) have appeared in residential quarters built . and this type of rsc is becoming an indispensable part of the contemporary housing development 隨著我國住宅建設的飛速發展,住區會所越來越多地出現在已建成的居住區中,成為當代中國城鎮居住區建設不可或缺的新的住區配套建設項目。

The concept of self - terminated sequence is introduced with some of its useful characteristics being proved and its relation with lowest weights of rsc being discovered . moreover , a very tight upper bound of the weight of the rsc is given 系統分析了采用自結尾序列分析交織器性能的方法,證明了其若干有用的性質,研究了一種級連交織器的設計。

The centenary lectureship is financed by the centenary fund which was founded in 1949 to celebrate the centenary of rsc . it aims to promote the interchange of chemists between the united kingdom and other countries 百周年講座獎由該會百周年基金設立,該基金于一九四九年學會成立一百周年時設立,旨在推動英國與其他國家的化學家進行切磋交流。

In the proposed scheme , the outer code comprising several block codes for error detection in parallel , and the inner code employing a recursive systematic convolutional ( rsc ) code for error correction , are linked by an interleaver 本文所討論的體制中,串行級連碼的外碼由多個分組檢錯子碼構成,內碼是一個系統遞歸卷積碼。

Professor yam was delighted with the news . “ i am honoured to have been selected as one of the centenary lecturers of rsc . i am looking forward to visiting britain and meeting scientists in my field . 任詠華教授獲悉喜訊后相當興奮,她說:我感到很榮幸能當選英國皇家化學學會百周年講者之一,并期待前往英國與行內科學家會面。

Professor vivian yam wing wah , head of the department of chemistry and chair of chemistry of the university of hong kong ( hku ) , has been awarded a centenary lectureship by the royal society of chemistry ( rsc ) 香港大學化學系主任兼化學講座教授任詠華榮獲英國皇家化學學會頒授百周年講座獎,以表揚她在無機化學研究的貢獻。

It is the playgoers , the rsc contends , who bring in much of the town ? s revenue because they spend the night ( some of them four or five nights ) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants 譯文皇家莎士比亞戲劇公司說,游客給小鎮帶來了很大一部分收入,因為他們過夜(有些人甚至住上四五夜) ,把大把的錢花在旅館和餐館。

It is the playgoers , the rsc contends , who bring in much of the town ' s revenue because they spend the night ( some of them four or five nights ) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants 皇家莎士比亞戲劇公司說,游客給小鎮帶來了很大一部分收入,因為他們過夜(有些人甚至住上四五夜) ,把大把的錢花在旅館和餐館。

It is the playgoers , the rsc contends , who bring in much of the towns revenue because they spend the night ( some of them four or five nights ) pouring cash into the hotels and restaurants 皇家莎士比亞戲劇公司說,游客給小鎮帶來了很大一部分收入,因為他們要過夜(有些人甚至住上四五夜) ,把大把的錢花在旅館和餐館

Her work has attracted widespread interest , appearing in leading academic journals , including a feature article in chemical communications , the official publication of the rsc and a cover story in 她的工作在海內外引起廣泛興趣,曾獲多份著名學術期刊報道,包括刊于英國皇家化學學會官方刊物