
rr Rr =rear.

rr lyrae variables

Furthermore , through comparing with the changes of ftir and rr spectroscopy during the therochromism and affinochromism we concluded that the same changes of backbone structure was produced during the therochromism and affinochromism 此外,通過比較熱變色和親合變色過程中拉曼光譜和紅外光譜的變化,得出結論:熱變色和親合變色過程中聚雙炔薄膜結構的變化是相同的。

The following 3 chapters mainly discuss several important factors tc inflnsncs rr . oney velocity ' s change , while some simple mathematical and econometrics model are used to support the main point of view 然后三、四、五章重點在于敘述我國gdp m _ 2減速的幾個制度原因,這是學術界中更為忽略的問題。并借助于簡單的數學模型和經濟計量模型來支持本文的觀點。

At last , the author analyzed the return routability ( rr ) mechanism , and point out it can lead to man - in - middle attack . to surmount this attack , the author presented a security strengthened rr mechanism 最后對mipv6的迂回路由機制及其安全性進行了分析,給出了該機制存在的一種中間人攻擊方案,并提出一種安全增強的迂回路由機制來抵御這種攻擊。

3 . through the realization of orientation picture showing in three - dimension , solve the problem that there is no way to show how rr , any located points exist in a little region when the located pictures shown in ichnography 為加強罐底定位軟件的分析功能,建立了以罐底為xy平面的三維直角坐標系,編制出相應的罐底三維定位軟件。

On the basis of quantitative analysis of 3 microcystin variants : mc - lr , mc - rr and mc - yr by hplc , the relationships between microcystin and biomass , water temperature and nutrients ( i . e . n , p ) were discussed 在調查的基礎上,討論了微囊藻毒素各異構體在全年水華中的變化及其與水華生物量、水溫、氮磷等之間的關系。

The result shows : microcystis produced all 3 variants of microcystin , but the content of mc - rr was much larger than mc - lr and mc - yr . in most cases , mc - yr content was rather low for hplc analysis 結果表明,富營養化池塘中微囊藻均產生3種異構體,但mc - rr的含量遠大于其他兩種異構體, mc - yr在全年中檢出率很低。

Plant expression vector pbil21 - cspds was constructed in which the expression of cspds gene was under the control of camv35s promoter and t - nos terminator via genetic engineering 對番紅花屬番紅花的核糖體55一rr膚基因序列進行基因克隆、測序,獲得了的55一rrna基因的序列特征。

Sandy feng , quickel rr , hollister - lock j , et al . prolonged xenograft survival of islet infected with small doses of adenovirus expressing ctla4ig . transplantation , 1999 , 67 ( 12 ) : 1607 周茂華,陳東明,唐軍民,等.大鼠胰島移植物制備與異種移植.中華器官移植雜志, 1998 , 19 ( 4 ) : 200

39 bansal bc , gupt rr , baudal mr , et al . serumlipids and uric acid relationship in ischemic thrombotic , cerebrovascular disease j . stroke , 1975 , 6 : 304 - 7 38黨小霞,蔡琴,趙旅.高血壓患者頸動脈粥樣硬化程度與血尿酸水平的相關性研究j .中華心血管病雜志2002 ; 30 ( 3 ) : 151

Miss wong explained that under the new arrangement , there will be two types of village representatives , the indigenous inhabitant representative ( iir ) and the resident representative ( rr ) 王榮珍解釋在新安排下將有兩類村代表,原居民代表和居民代表。

The secretary office shall produce a draft of the rr in english in writing and , with the majority consent of all participating companies , shall issue the rr under the rwppi name Rr將由事務部用英語起草,由各參與公司超過半數同意,并以rwppi的名義發布。

As the kernel of the gsm protocol , rr is the part that distinguishes gsm from other wireless protocols . it influences the design of logical circuit 無線資源管理層是協議棧的核心,它是區別其他無線通信協議的具體體現,它決定了物理邏輯器件的設計。

The secretary office shall distribute the rr without delay to all participating companies , and at the same time , actively publicize the rr to non - participating companies 事務部應及時向各參與公司發布rr ,同時,也積極向參與公司以外的公司發布。

By debugging between two pc in internet , the simulation of the protocol is completed and the process of encryption and 通過互聯網上兩臺計算機間的實際調試,本文完成了對rr協議的仿真與加密、解密過程,從而驗證了協議的正確性。

Relative risk ( rr ) was used as a measure of the effect of folic acid supplementation on the risk of stroke with a random effect model 采用相對危險度( rr )的大小,作為衡量葉酸補充治療在降低卒中發生危險有效性的指標。

4 . analyzed the return routability ( rr ) mechanism , and point out it can lead to man - in - middle attack 4 .對迂回路由機制及其安全性進行了分析,給出了迂回路由機制存在的一種中間人攻擊方案。

To surmount the attack , the author presented a security strengthened rr mechanism , and analyzed it ’ s security at last 然后提出了一種安全增強迂回路由機制,用以抵御作者給出的攻擊。

For one of the eutrophic ponds surveyed , mc - rr and mc - lr presented rising tendency throughout the bloom in the year 其中一個池塘在的水華在全年發生過程中, mc - rr和- lr均呈上升趨勢。

In women , but not in men , qrs nondipolar voltage was the strongest independent predictor of hf ( rr = 1 . 87 ) 女性中qrs非雙級電壓是心衰的最強的獨立預測因子( rr = 1 . 87 ) ,男性中未見此發現。