
rps RPS =revolutions per second ...


Whereas lq said , why there was such a haste switch during rps , the production team was also at fault , as he really did not know about the scandals between wlr and wsw , thus he didn ' t really think too much when he first casted them , in the end when all the rumours broke , they had to act fast 林樹喬昨天則說,當初剪刀石頭布會發生換角狀況,劇組也有錯,因為事前他真的不知道王紹偉跟王俐人在鬧緋聞,以致于媒體要求讓兩人在同一時間定裝,他也沒多想,結果最后寫出來全是緋聞,惹得經紀公司不快。

In this chapter , we discuss that it is not true that pfq algorithm when approximates a fluid rate - proportional server with seff policy can achieve the same worst - case fairness as that of wf2q . we give a new value of worst - case fairness index for it and show that is inferior to the index of wf2q 與目前性能較好md - scfq算法相比,雖然smfq算法公平性稍差,但算法的計算復雜性大大簡化,更適合在高速網絡中應用,因此它是當前rps類流量調度算法中綜合性能最佳的算法。

The wear - resistance of the rps tin coating is significantly higher than that of the quenched m2 high - speed steel . the wear resistance of the quenched m2 high - speed steel was improved about 2 . 5 times by the rps tin coating under high load . the antifriction performance of the tin coating is also very excellent due to the self - lubricating effect of tin , the friction efficient of which is about 5 . 3 % that of the quenched m2 steel 在無潤滑條件下,反應等離子噴涂tin涂層的耐磨性明顯高于淬火m2鋼,在高載荷下,其耐磨性是m2鋼的2 . 5倍;同時,由于tin的自潤滑效應,涂層的減摩性遠遠優于m2鋼,高載荷下摩擦系數僅是m2鋼的5 . 3 。

Lastly , on the basis of constructing the 3 - rps parallel robot simulating model using virtual prototyping technique , the inverse design program based on adams was presented to determine the length parameters of rods , and its ’ feasibility was also discussed . through description of the inverse technique based on general optimization , this thesis studied the reliability and feasibility of applying this technique to mechanical design 最后,應用反演設計方法和虛擬樣機技術,建立了3 - rps并聯機器人仿真模型,編制了基于adams的反演設計程序,探討了反演設計技術應用于并聯機器人桿長參數標定的可行性,為并聯機器人設計提供了一條新的思路。

As for rps principle and mmc of mmc principle , sufficient condition was given . then , based on offset model , virtual boundary demand , condition tolerance , iso standard and national standard , soft gauge for single cylindrical feature , two cylindrical feature , compound location tolerance and several cylindrical feature were given 然后,在漂移模型、虛擬邊界要求、條件公差理論以及iso和國家標準的公差原則基礎上,給出可用于單軸孔要素、雙軸孔要素、復合位置度公差、多軸孔等復雜情況下裝配可行性分析的軟件量規數學等效式。

Based on rate - proportional server ( rps ) , we present an efficient and simple fair queueing algorithm , called smfq ( start - potential mean fair queueing ) which has o ( l ) complexity for the virtual time computation while has fairness properties batter than spfq 在綜合已有算法的基礎上,提出了基于rps基礎上的流量調度算法? ? smfq算法。它不但具有與rsp類調度算法一樣的最佳時延特性,而且算法非常簡單。

Taking into account of this problem , the model is modified by introducing two constraints parameters related to the number of shifting of an individual aircraft : maximum position shifting ( mps ) and relative position shifting ( rps ) 因此,本文提出了一種改進模型,該模型引入了兩個與飛機移動位置相關的約束參數:最大移動位置( mps )和相對移動位置( rps ) 。

The result of the performance analysis in two - dimension and multi - dimension shows that the scheme provides better worst case bounds about time and space complexity than what have existed , so the algorithm is more scalable and faster 在推導成形smfq算法的過程中,我們還修正了成形rps類算法的worst - case指數,給出了有關結論的證明過程和結果。

With project completion expected by the end of 2007 , the wind - generated power will be used by ladwp to help meet its aggressive renewable energy goals as part of the city ' s renewable portfolio standard ( rps ) 隨著該項目預計于2007年底完工, ladwp將利用風力發的電完成其雄偉的作為該市可再生投資標準( rps )一部分的可再生能源目標。

The spraying parameters , the mechanical and tribological properties of the rps tin coating were investigated , and the formation mechanism of the nano - scaled tin coating was discussed 本文主要研究了反應等離子噴涂tin涂層的工藝參數,涂層的力學與摩擦磨損性能,討論了納米tin涂層形成的機理。

Nano - meter tin coating was fabricated via reactive plasma spraying ( rps ) , using the self - designed and made gas - tunnel type reactive plasma - spraying gun 自行研制了氣體隧道反應等離子噴槍,并用于反應等離子噴涂,通過噴涂ti粉實現ti - n _ 2反應制備出了納米tin涂層。

The tension and bending strength of composites with wood flour content of 10 % , 30 % and 50 % respectively is all less than rps 復合材料的拉伸強度和彎曲強度在木粉含量為10 、 30和50時低于rps 。 20和40木粉含量的復合材料的這兩項強度高于rps 。

In my opinion , that “ impossible love “ is between ob and viggo . see , i read too many rps , definitely not good for my mental health 找女朋友的條件如何? ? “善良的”他說“我現在比以前現實了許多,我不再奢望不可能的愛,我只想有個人來支持我。 ”

Xrd , sem , tem and hrtem were applied to analyze the phase composition and microstructure , as well as crystal defects in the rps tin coating 利用xrd 、 sem 、 tem及hrtem等分析手段研究分析了涂層的結構、微觀組織,以及涂層內的晶體缺陷。

The rps tin coating presented a typical wavy multi - layered structure , and the adhesive state among the layers is in good condition , without distinct interfaces Tin涂層呈波浪狀多層組織,涂層組織致密,層間結合情況良好。

Finally operation examples of 3 - rps machine of parallel manipulator in the mechanics instances at designed position are given out 最后,給出了3 - rps并聯機構的指定位姿下受力狀態的運算實例。

By adopting the present method , the workspace of 3 - rps parallel manipulator is obtained 運用所提的方法,得出了3 - rps并聯機器人的工作空間求解結果。

Rps direct program 直接節目搜尋

Rps . revolutions per secon 每秒鐘轉數