
rpi RPI =retail price index 【商業】...


The paper integrates price limit with dynamic profit - adjusting mechanism for the first time , and proposes a new price ceiling method , profit capping . furthermore , on appraising two popular regulation models ( ror and rpi - x ) , the paper suggests a new regulation model , profit capping model ( pcm ) , which offers a package solution to electricity price regulation 本文將最高限價與動態利潤調整機制聯系起來,提出一種新的電價上限確定方法?利潤上限法;在此基礎上,本文借鑒兩種典型的監管模式( ror和rpi ? x ) ,提出利潤上限監管模式,為電價監管提供一攬子( apackagesolution )的解決方案。

Uk data highlights for next week include leading indicators on monday , which are likely to show minor declines , while cpi and rpi data on tuesday could stir the inflation waters again if results are significantly above expectations of + 0 . 4 % mom 英國本周的焦點為周一發布的領先經濟指標,預測將有較小幅度的下降,如果周二發布的消費者價格指數及零售價格指數比預期+ 0 . 4 % (月率)有顯著增長,那么通貨膨脹問題將再次浮出水面。

We found granger cause that influenced interest rate of marketing through grange causality testing such as inflation rate , gdp , factor of price ( rpi ) , deposit and loan , interest rate of deposit and loan , money supply ( mo , ml ) 通過granger因果關系檢驗,找到了影響市場化利率的內容提要granger原因為:通脹率、 gdp 、價格因素( rp工) 、存貸款、存貸款利率、貨幣供應量( mo , m1 ) 。

Most economists have accepted the fact that china has entered a new period of deflation since the rpi ( retail price index ) droped in october 1 997 and cpi ( consummer price index ) droped in april 1998 1997年10月開始我國零售商品物價持續下降, 1998年4月開始我國居民消費價格持續下降,同時其他相關指數也開始下降,經濟學界對此已統一認定我國進入了通貨緊縮期。

Finally , right now , if i had to pick a fourth one , it would be wisconsin - they ' ve got a great rpi in the top five ; 27 wins on the season 最后,現在,如果我必須挑選第四個的話,這將會是威斯康新。他們的rpi排名是第五,很棒,在整個賽季中獲勝27場。

Ucla , i believe , is another lock for no . 1 . number one in rpi right now ; 6 strength of schedule 加州大學洛杉磯分校( ucla ) ,我相信,是另外一個鐵定的第一。現在是rpi的排名第一,時間表強度為六。

While in college , anne was an intern at ibm in 2002 and 2003 , and also served as the ibm campus ambassador to rpi 在大學期間, anne于2002到2003期間在ibm實習,還擔任了rpi的ibm校園代表。

Listen as five former rpi incubator managers share lessons learned from a quarter century of experience 5個孵化器的創始人將與大家分享4分之1個世紀的經驗。

On 9 tracks nonretorn to zero recorded magnetic tape for digital data storage , density 32 rpmm 800 rpi 數字數據存儲用9磁道的不歸零制記錄磁帶.位密度32位

On 7 tracks nonreturn to zero recorded magnetic tape for digital data storage , density 8 rpmm 200 rpi 數字數據存儲用7磁道不歸零制記錄磁帶.密度8rpmm 2

On 9 tracks phase - encoded recorded magnetic tape for digital data storage , density 63 rpmm 1600 rpi 數字數據存儲用9磁道相位編碼的記錄磁帶.密度為63rpm

What are the problems facing receiving plant no . 1 ( rpi ) 如果要接收一號工廠,將會遇到哪些問題?

Welcome to rpi ' s chain of clubs in shanghai 歡迎來到rpi集團的上海連鎖俱樂部