
royce n.羅伊斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Royce also produces ceramic art pieces and these have won awards , and been included in exhibitions in many parts of the world 羅伊斯制作的藝術陶瓷作品榮獲眾多獎項,并在世界各地的各種展覽中進行展示。

The amount of money mr . howell spent on a new rolls - royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary 郝維爾先生在這輛新的勞斯萊斯上所花費的錢比起他的年收入來是滄海一粟。

The opening of the fifth rolls - royce showroom in greater china signifies the company ' s confidence in the regions continued growth 該展廳的開業展現出勞斯萊斯對中國業務不斷增長的信心。

The amount of money mr . howell spent on a new rolls - royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary 豪威爾先生賣一輛辛勞斯萊斯汽車的錢和他的年薪相比不過是滄海一粟。

As with all the woods and veneers used by rolls - royce , it is sourced from sustainable forests by a team of specialists 勞斯萊斯使用的所有木料均由專家小組從廣袤的森林中精心選取

It has four rolls - royce merlin engines , but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt 該飛機裝裝配有4臺羅爾斯-羅伊斯的默林發動機,但是他們只需要修復其中的3臺。

You might have come by bus , in a rolls royce or in your own car and you too have arrived 但是多數人都有家庭的責任,即使離開家到喜馬拉雅山,那種眷戀的能量還是會把他們拉住。

Since you re on the right track , it doesn t matter if you travel in a cab , a mercedes - benz or a rolls royce 當然,如果情況允許,又不傷害到別人,就可以去。你想要去哪里?

Rolls royce say that this one and the queens and the sultan of brunei are the best ones in the world 勞斯萊斯說這輛車,女皇的車和文萊蘇丹的車,是世界上最好的勞斯萊斯。

British embassy beijing - trade investment - latest news - rolls royce wins major air china deal 英國駐北京大使館-貿易投資-最新商務新聞-勞斯萊斯公司贏得國航大訂單

But w . o . bentley would be even more pleased that “ his “ company was finally wrestled away from roll - royce 但是賓特利將更加高興的是, “他“的公司終于脫離了勞斯萊斯。

The front end of the phantom drophead coup is more streamlined than that of previous rolls - royce cars 相比以前的勞斯萊斯車輛,幻影軟頂敞篷車的前端更具流線型。

The public was astonished when rolls royce computed their debts at several hundred million pounds 當羅爾斯?羅伊斯計算出他們的債務是幾億英鎊時,公眾都十分吃驚。

“ all of our partners are multimillionaires by the age of forty - five , “ royce mcknight said “我們所有的合伙人在45歲的時候都成了大富翁。 ”羅伊斯?麥克耐特說道。

1975 royce returned to new zealand and established his first pottery at beach road in richmond 1975年羅伊斯返回新西蘭并在里士滿的海灘路建立了他的首個陶器廠

Royce : i don ' t know what you just said freaky girl , but i ' m sure i don ' t like it 羅伊斯:我不知道你說這話是什么意思,怪女孩,但是我確定自己不喜歡你這么說!

So the businessman handed over the keys to a rolls royce parked on the street in front of the bank 生意人將停在銀行前面街上的一輛勞斯萊斯的鑰匙交給他。

An employee drives the rolls royce into the bank ' s underground garage and parks it there 一位雇員把那羅斯羅易斯轎車開進了銀行的地下車庫停在那里。

Royce : [ while hugging matilda ] god , to think that we almost buried you tonight 羅伊斯(擁抱瑪蒂爾達) :上帝,想想我們今天晚上差點把你親手埋了!