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royal paper 24×19英寸的紙;25×20英寸的印刷紙。

royal purple

Mr . huiming zhou , the deputy manager of shanghai meihu , presided over meeting and mr . ya - ping zhou , the supervisor of npes in great china region , and mr . zong , the general manager of shanghai royal paper have given speech at he beginning 大中國區總監周亞平先生和榮昱紙業總經理宗從明先生出席了會議并講話。周亞平先生對各位代理商的到來表示非常的歡迎,

In the lecture hall of shanghai meihu , this meeting was held with the joint effort of npes , the china distributor , shanghai royal paper co . and shanghai meihu 本次會議由npes , csrs中國進出口總經銷上海榮昱紙業有限公司,上海美滬印刷新技術有限公司共同主辦。