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royal courts of justice (倫敦)高等法院。

royal duke

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 證人也告訴了在倫敦皇家法院的法官的陪審團,說到,他看到狗仔隊與一位市民發生沖突,他們正在試圖阻止他拍照,在幾分鐘后緊急服務到來了。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 在倫敦皇家法院目擊者告訴陪審團在緊急服務組織到達之前,他看見一個狗仔隊記者和一群人起了沖突,人們試圖停止他的拍攝行為。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 這位目擊者也告訴倫敦皇家法庭,就在救護人員到達前的幾分鐘他看見一名攝影記者正與試圖阻止他拍照的一名群眾扭打在一起。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 目擊者還告訴倫敦皇家司法法庭評審團說他看見就發生在救護車到達前幾分鐘,有一位攝影記者與一群試圖組織他拍攝的人搏斗。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 目擊者胡斯先生還告訴倫敦皇家司法法庭的陪審團在急救車到達車禍現場之前狗仔隊和一個試圖阻止他拍照的市民發生了爭執。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 他還告訴倫敦的皇家法庭的陪審團,在救護車到達之前,他目睹了一個“狗仔隊”人員和一名企圖阻止他拍照的路人打起來。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 目擊證人在倫敦皇家法庭還告知陪審團,在救護車到來之前的一段時間內,他看到一個狗仔正同試圖阻止他拍照的公眾扭打

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 他還告訴倫敦皇家審判法庭的陪審團,他看到在救護車到達的前幾分鐘,一伙狗仔隊正和一伙試圖阻止他拍照的人毆打。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 該目擊者還告訴倫東皇家法院陪的審團人員說,他看到一名記者與一名試圖阻止他在急救車趕到之前拍照的觀眾打架

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 目擊者在倫敦高級法庭上告訴陪審團,在事發前幾分鐘,他看到一個攝影記者和一個試圖阻止他拍照的公眾在打架。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 該目擊者在倫敦皇家法庭告訴陪審團,在救護人員抵達前幾分鐘,看見一名狗仔與試圖阻止他拍照圍觀的群眾打斗。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 他還告訴在倫敦皇家法庭的陪審團,在急救服務到來之前,他當時看見一個狗仔隊正和一群阻止他拍照的人打架。

The witness also told the jury at the royal courts of justice in london that he saw a paparazzo fighting with a member of the public who was trying to stop him taking pictures in the minutes before the emergency services arrived 該目擊者在倫敦皇家法庭告訴陪審團,在救護人員抵達前幾分鐘,看見一名狗仔正在與試圖組織他拍照的人打斗。