
roxy n.〔美學生語〕地質學教授。


In 2003 quiksilver launched the quiksilver men s and roxy women s brands in china 2003年quiksilver公司將quiksilver男裝和roxy女裝品牌帶入中國。

Don ' t worry , roxy 別擔心,蘿西

My roxy login 我的roxy會員登陸

You ' re good . - roxy 不謝-羅克西

Roxy , behind you 羅克西,你后面

- you ' re good . - roxy -不謝-羅克西

You see that , roxy 你看明白了?蘿茜?

My roxy registeration 我的roxy會員注冊

Oh , thank god . - roxy 哦,天哪-羅克西

Roxy . - jane . come here 羅克西-珍妮來這

By that time , roxy has been a leading importer of electronics in hong kong 從此,樂聲電器成為香港的主要電器入口商。

Are you a friend of roxy ' s 你是蘿茜的朋友?

Director of sharp - roxy ltd )有限公司董事會主席

. . . i get inducted into the roxy ryan school of juvenile delinquency 我卻陷入了羅克西賴安犯下的種種錯誤中

I love her . and i love roxy too 我愛她,我也愛蘿茜

Roxy , i need you desperately 蘿茜,你是我的救命稻草

Listen , is , do not let roxy 聽著,伊莎,叫蘿茜千萬別

I get inducted into the roxy ryan school of juvenile delinquency 我卻陷入了羅克西賴安犯下的種種錯誤中

It ' s just so tacky . charles - henri taking roxy ' s painting 太沒有風度了,查爾斯.亨利竟然想搶走蘿茜的畫