
rove vi.1.盤亙,徘徊,流浪,漂泊。2.(眼睛)轉來轉去。...


Electronic services delivery scheme roving show postponed 公共服務電子化計劃流動展覽押后

Basic law roving show in kwai fong tomorrow 基本法奇藝坊明日于葵芳舉行

A general lunar roving robot and its critical technology 月球探測機器人及其關鍵技術淺析

Seventh cycle of esd scheme roving show 第七輪公共服務電子化計劃流動展覽

Govhk roving exhibitions govhk roving exhibitions 香港政府一站通巡回展覽

Tung chung road improvement works roving exhibition 井頭至長沙一段東涌道改善工程巡回展

Roving exhibition for cervical screening programme 子宮頸普查計劃巡回展覽

Sixth cycle of the esd scheme roving show 公共服務電子化計劃第六輪流動展覽

Ninth cycle of the esd scheme roving show 第九輪公共服務電子化計劃流動展覽

Used for testing the evenness of sliver and roving 用于檢驗條子及粗紗的條干均勻度。

Fifth cycle of the esd scheme roving show 第五輪公共服務電子化計劃流動展覽

Roving show on electronic service delivery scheme 公共服務電子化計劃流動示范推廣活動

Eighth cycle of the esd scheme roving show 公共服務電子化計劃第八輪流動展覽

Highways department 20th anniversary roving exhibition 路政署二十周年巡展覽

Seventh cycle of the esd scheme roving show 公共服務電子化計劃第七輪流動展覽

Third cycle of the esd scheme roving show 第三輪的公共服務電子化計劃流動展覽

Test method for tensile strength of preimpregnated roving 預浸紗帶拉伸強度試驗方法

Second cycle of the esd scheme roving show 第二輪的公共服務電子化計劃流動展覽

Roving exhibition for hksar 10th anniversary 慶祝香港特別行政區成立十周年巡回展覽