
roux n.油脂(尤指黃油)面粉糊〔用于加濃羹湯等〕。


Sun hung kai real estate agency sales director anita chan left announces the collaboration with the celebrated galimard perfume house to create personal perfumes for residents of the vineyard . galimard general director jean - pierre roux middle and its scent master jacques maurel right at the press conference 新地特別發展部銷售總監陳秀賢小姐左宣布與法國名牌香水廠galimard合作,更請來galimard總裁mr . jean - pierre roux中及著名調香師jacques maurel右來港出席發布會。

This statement is made by the order of the board , the directors of which individually and jointly accept responsibility for the accuracy of this statement . as at the date of this statement , the directors of the company are : executive directors : ma huateng and zhang zhang zhidong ; non - executive directors : charles st leger searle and antonie andries roux ; and independent non - executive directors : li dong sheng , iain ferguson bruce and ian charles stone 上述聲明乃承董事會之命而發表董事會各董事愿就本聲明的準確性承擔個別及共同的責任。于本聲明日期,本公司董事為:執行董事:馬化騰和張志東非執行董事: charles st leger searle和antonie andries roux及獨立非執行董事:李東生iain ferguson bruce和ian charles stone 。

From right : shkp executive director financial services au man to , hideo hiyama , director , general manager regional chief executive of sumitomo mitsui banking corporation , rose lee , hsbc managing director head of corporate banking hong kong , shkp executive director financial services amy kwok , xavier roux , senior country officer of calyon hong kong branch and adrian li , general manager head of corporate banking with the bank of east asia 右起:新鴻基地產金融服務執行董事區文道三井住友銀行執行役員香港支店長檜山英男香港上海匯豐銀行香港區企業銀行業務常務總監兼香港區主管李慧敏新鴻基地產金融服務執行董事郭婉儀東方匯理銀行香港區行政總裁xavier roux東亞銀行總經理兼企業銀行主管李民橋。

As at the date of this statement , the directors of the company are : executive directors : ma huateng and zhang zhidong ; non - executive directors : charles st leger searle and antonie andries roux ; and independent non - executive directors : li dong sheng , iain ferguson bruce and ian charles stone 于本聲明日期,本公司董事為:執行董事:馬化騰和張志東非執行董事: charles st leger searle和antonie andries roux及獨立非執行董事:李東生iain ferguson bruce和ian charles stone 。

Auxerre defenders jean - alain boumsong and phillipe mexes are also said to be targets of liverpool , and reports claim that houllier could have met with roux to discuss the possibility of one of the two heading to anfield in the summer 另外,歐塞爾的后衛博姆宋與梅克塞斯的名字也進了利物浦的“購物單” ,霍利爾此次的巴黎之行,是希望在今年夏天從老朋友居伊?魯的麾下得到上面提到法國精英。

I got a message this morning from a colonel roux . he wants to see me 我今天早上收到一個羅烏上校的口信,他要見我

Ghost , professor roux . ghost 幽靈,洛克斯教授.幽靈

If we don ' t know exactly where he is , neither does colonel roux 如果我不確知他在哪里羅烏上校也不知道

Colonel roux . - oh , thank you , silvi 羅烏上校哦,謝謝,席爾維

- colonel roux . - oh , thank you , silvi 羅烏上校哦,謝謝,席爾維

If this colonel roux finds him first , they ' ll do a deal 如果羅烏上校先找到了他他們會達成交易的

Who ? delphine roux . professor of languages and literature 誰?德爾費?洛克斯.文學語言學教授

Laboratory glassware . culture bottles called “ roux jars “ 實驗室玻璃器皿. “胡克斯氏罐”培養瓶

Colonel roux ? oh , dear , in full - dress uniform 羅烏上校?哦,全副武裝

Colonel roux , judge livi . what can i do for you 羅烏上校,利維法官我能幫你們什么忙呢

Why ? - a colonel roux , he came to see me 為什么? -有個羅烏上校剛才來找我

- why ? - a colonel roux , he came to see me -為什么? -有個羅烏上校剛才來找我