
routine n.例行公事,日常工作;常規;慣例;程序。 the da...


He had managed to get himself attached to one of the city hospitals, performing routine surgery . 他曾在一家市立醫院弄到一個兼職,做普通手術。

The crucifixion of jesus christ was, for its day, only a routine execution . 耶穌基督被釘在十字架上處死,這在當時來說只是一種普通的行刑方式。

All these trivial incidents belonged to the routine of life and the return of morning . 這一切瑣細事故都屬于生活的平常慣例,隨早晨而俱來。

The term thunk was coined for this routine and the term has stuck . “形實替換程序”是為該項操作新造的術語,現在這個術語已被大家所接受。

While routine investigation was going on miss bulstrode had not been inactive . 當例行的調查進行時,布爾斯特羅德小姐并沒有聽其自然發展。

Most of the routine work of members in the house of commons is to do with the constituency . 議會下院議員的日常工作是處理本選區的事務。

The term thunk was coined by him for this routine and the term has stuck . 他把這種程序命名為形實替換程序,現在這個術語已被大家所接受。

The job had become reduced quickly to its onerous humiliating routine . 他的工作很快就縮小到只剩些煩瑣的例行公事,干著也覺得很不光彩。

Some little time would be necessary to accomplish all the routine of official designation . 在短期間內,必須完成一切公務上派命之手續。

It follows that organization embraces decision making, of critical and routine sorts . 這樣,組織就包括對關鍵的和日常的事務作出決定。

The work of the payload specialists like yourself will then seem quite routine . 象你這樣的酬載專家的工作,到那時將會變得十分普通。

She was also concerned about lingling was no longer maintaining her spartan study routine . 她擔心玲玲不再堅持她那嚴格的學習計劃。

The dilution method was obviously too tedious and uncertain for routine use . 稀釋法明顯太費事、太沒把握了,不適用于常規操作。

The u-tube method is recognized as a standard for industrial routine estimations . U形管方法被公認為日常工業鑒定的標準方法。

The attempts to employ this capability for routine survey purposes were discouraged . 利用這種特性進行日常工作的念頭打消了。

It is a routine matter to write down an explicit expression for this cycle sum . 寫出這個循環和的顯式是件輕而易舉的事。

They all appeared to be lost in the humdrum and routine of their work . 他們好象一個個都被埋在日常單調的工作當中了。

Each also spends time performing routine tasks on an assembly line . 每個人還花一定時間在總裝線上從事常規作業。

The daily routine was blurred to me and i never quite grasped it . 我弄不清楚日常工作,始終也沒怎么明白過來。