
rout 短語和例子rout1n.1.混亂的群眾[集會];【法律】...


That summer in 2002 , the german brigade all the way put to rout to cut will of killed into the world cup finals , although pour finally at brazil brigade foot 2002年那個夏天,德國隊一路披靡斬將的殺進了世界杯決賽,雖然最后倒在了巴西隊腳下。

Defending champion germany leads that group after setting a women ' s world cup single - game scoring record monday in an 11 - 0 rout against argentina 衛冕冠軍德國隊暫居小組第一,之前她們11 0狂掃阿根廷創造了世界杯單場比賽進球數最高紀錄。

Of course , a few dont rout , but whatever problems a farmer may face , getting back many times more wheat grai then he or she planted i t one of them 盡管有些小麥不會發芽,但無論農夫面臨什么樣的困難,他的收成必定多出他所種植的好幾倍。

Defending champion germany leads that group after setting a women ' s world cup single - game scoring record monday in an 11 - 0 rout against argentina 衛冕冠軍德國線索后,集團設立了婦女的世界杯單場進球紀錄,在周一的一個11 - 0擊潰阿根廷。

Defending champion germany leads that group after setting a women ' s world cup single - game scoring record monday in an 11 - 0 rout against argentina 衛冕冠軍德國隊表示自從周一設立女足世界杯單場進球記錄后,以11 : 0擊潰阿根廷打破記錄。

Cristiano ronaldo capped a fine performance with the next two goals on 59 and 76 minutes , before wayne rooney completed the rout after another clinical move 在59和76分鐘,羅納爾多貢獻了兩個進球,隨后魯尼臨門一腳寫下完勝的結局。

Finding a seat on one of the red plush divans close to the great windows which look out on broadway s busy rout , he sat musing 他在大窗戶旁邊的一只紅絲絨長沙發上坐了下來,窗外看得見百老匯大街的喧鬧景象,他坐在那里想著心事。

Zhang started in goal instead of han wenxia , whose mistakes in china ' s last game against brazil contributed to a 4 - 0 rout 張艷茹是替換韓文霞上場的。在上一場對陣巴西隊的比賽中,由于韓文霞的失誤,導致中國隊以0 : 4慘敗。

On “ who elect ” , collectivity decision be realized narrowly , and it cannot be understand from marxist epistemology and mass rout 第四章仍立足中國的國情、中國黨政領導干部選拔存在的問題和遵循馬克思

But they are unlikely to add to a rout , not least because that would make their exports much less competitive in america 但是這些政客看來不會對美元落井下石,起碼這會削弱中國出口產品在美國的競爭力。

Eventually three principal routs convered at the coffin house , which came to be the crand central terminal of the underground railroad 最后三個負責人挖掘出了館木,在運輸升降機運造地鐵通道前

By raising the tax , the government now runs the risk of being blamed by the chinese public if it sets off a stock market rout 通過加稅,政府希望減小大量公眾股民涌入而引起股市崩潰的風險。

When general braddock was killed 3 hours into the battle , the defeat became a rout and massacre 當布雷多克將軍在戰爭進行到3小時時陣亡后,英軍的戰敗變成了一種潰退和大屠殺。

It includes literature review , research background , significance , approach and technical routs 主要包括文獻綜述、研究的背景和意義以及本文所采用的研究方法和技術路線等。

The packet filter rout provide the same functionality as the packet filter firewall describe in section2 . 1 . 1 包過濾路由器與包過濾防火墻具有同一功能,如2 。 1 。 1部分所述。

It was there that they found adoni - bezek and fought against him , putting to rout the canaanites and perizzites 又在那里遇見亞多尼比色,與他爭戰,殺敗迦南人和比利洗人。

Back - to - back threes from finley and manu ginobili put the jazz down by 23 and the rout was on 芬利和吉諾比利連續兩個三分讓馬刺以23分的優勢壓制著爵士,爵士開始潰敗。

The rout track what network a request have come from and apply differ rules based on the source network 路由器跟蹤一個請求來自何種網絡并應用基于源網絡的不同規則。

But jehovah your god will deliver them up before you and rout them utterly until they are destroyed 23耶和華你神必將他們交給你,大大的擾亂他們,直到他們滅絕了。