
rouse 短語和例子rouse1vt.1.叫(人)起來;使跳起來,...


She was roused by a chuckle which mr. dorset seemed to eject from the depths of his lean throat . 多森先生從他那瘦弱的喉嚨深處迸出一陣笑聲,把她嚇了一跳。

General pecken roused himself after a moment with an unctuous and benignant smile . 過了一會,佩克姆將軍裝出一副和藹可親的神情微微一笑,又活躍起來了。

She became aware of something about her, with an effort she roused herself to see what it was . 附近有什么東西引起她的注意,她努力振作精神看看是什么。

The toad slept very soundly, and no amount of shaking could rouse him out of bed next morning . 癩蛤蟆睡得十分香甜,直到第二天早晨,他都起不來。

She saw dick huddled there in his rags, and roused him up with her broom . 她發現迪克穿著破衣服,縮成一團,待在那里,便用掃帚把他捅了起來。

In him the alcohol merely roused the spirit of evil, vengeful recklessness . 酒下了他的肚子,只激起了一股狠勁,叫他一心想報仇,不顧死活。

He thought of the patrol, and the quick fear it roused made him alert again . 他想起了這趟偵察任務,頓時感到不寒而栗,頭腦也清醒了過來。

The latent uneasiness in darnay's mind was roused to vigorous life by this letter . 代爾那心里的潛在的不安由于這一封信而強烈地活躍起來。

She made a rousing speech about patriotism and the need to sacrifice . 她作了一篇大談愛國主義和需要作出犧牲的激動人心的演說。

The knocking was loud and long, but it failed to rouse the drowsy inmates . 敲門的聲音又響又長,但是敲不醒里面睡熟了的人們。

The next morning the whinnying of my saddle-horse in the shed roused me . 第二天早上,我那匹在馬廄里的坐騎的嘶鳴聲叫醒了我。

The lamentable weakness of the words roused a motion of pity in lily's breast . 這幾句可悲的、懦弱的話打動了麗莉的慈悲心腸。

Elinor, roused from sleep by her agitation and sobs, first perceived her . 埃莉諾被瑪麗安的凄惶與嗚咽聲驚醒,首先發現了她。

His mother's voice in the corridor roused him from an angry trance . 穿過過道時,他母親的聲音將他從憤怒的失魂落魄中喚醒。

This news soon roused the prince from the stupid fit into which he had fallen . 這個消息很快就使王子從昏迷中蘇醒過來了。

The lion roused himself and then regarded the thousands of people so steadily . 獅子覺醒起來,怒目冷對著數以千計的人。

He was perfectly exhausted and they were careful not to rouse him . 他完全疲憊不堪了,他們也就想盡辦法不要把他吵醒。

Such a portentous and mysterious monster roused all my curiosity . 這樣一個可怕而神秘的怪物激起了我所有的獵奇心。

She had sunk into a dreary apathy and would not be roused . 她已經陷入了一種可怕的麻木狀態,無法喚起她的精神。