
roundup 1.〔美、澳〕畜群驅集;趕攏一塊的牲畜,趕攏家畜的人;兜...


The united states welcomes the announcement today that china s ministry of agriculture has completed its biotechnology regulatory review of roundup ready soybeans and two corn and two cotton products . these biotech crop approvals are a significant development that should assure continued u . s . access to this important market 美國歡迎中國農業部今天宣布完成對抗農達轉基因大豆及兩種玉米產品和兩種棉花產品的生物技術規則審議。批準這些生物技術作物是一項重大進展,為美國繼續進入這一重要市場提供了保證。

Transgenic integration site detection is the efficient method to identify whether the transgenic crops are approved to import or export . some quantitative detection methods were reported in 2000 and 2001 , and that is about bt11 and mon810 corn . real - time 5 “ - nuclease pcr had been previously used successfully to determine quantitatively roundup ready ( rr ) soy and btl76 maize in food 轉基因整合位點檢測是鑒定轉基因品種是否為批準進口轉基因作物的有效的特異性方法,國外在2000年和2001年已開展了轉基因玉米bt11 、 mon810兩個品種整合位點的特異性檢測方法研究。

The roundup of today aims to conclude the forum today as well as help us to look forward to further improve the taxi services in hong kong . at first , i would like to congratulate on the success of the quality taxi services forum and i appreciate very much the efforts of the staff for arranging the forum 今日的總結有兩個目的,一個是總結今日研討會的心得,另一外則是幫助大家向前看,如何令香港的的士服務向前邁進一步。首先,我在此祝賀優質的士服務研討會能順利完成,我亦很欣賞工作人員在研討會籌備上的安排。

This month s cover story , “ traveling back in time “ introduces a fascinating mix of old and new establishments “ restaurant roundup “ follows up our february introduction to international breakfast options in taichung with a focus on more traditional taiwanese - style breakfasts 本月封面故事”戀戀舊時光”介紹幾個混合了新舊的地方,體驗并回顧舊時光。本月還有”餐飲集錦”延續二月份所介紹的西式早餐,這次把焦點在中式早餐。

The dining and diversions sections of this issue feature some great places to go for photo opportunities , while our roundup explores where you can go to upload your pics with wi - fi . our culture section looks at the national science and technology museum 此月的餐飲休閑單元介紹了幾處風景明媚秀雅的地方,集錦介紹寬頻無線上網,文化單元介紹國立科學工藝博物館。

At least 19 people were lightly injured when they fell out of bed or were hit by falling objects such as a television and a stereo speaker , according to a roundup of local authorities by public broadcaster nhk 據當地權威的日本廣播協會新聞簡報稱,至少有19人受了輕傷,他們或是從床上跌落時摔傷,或是被掉下的電視機、音箱等物體砸傷。

Honorable guests , ladies and gentlemen , the roundup of today aims to conclude the forum today as well as help us to look forward to further improve the taxi services in hong kong 今日的總結有兩個目的,一個是總結今日研討會的心得,另一外則是幫助大家向前看,如何令香港的的士服務向前邁進一步。

If you find yourself too busy for cooking , refer to this month s “ restaurant roundup “ feature on chinese new year banquet takeaway specials at major taichung hotels 如果你沒有時間做菜,請看本月的餐飲集錦,介紹臺中幾家大飯店的外帶年菜,我們有幾家廣告客戶也同樣準備了相關的年節佳肴。

Among other interesting features to note this month is a “ restaurant roundup “ on some of taichung s best home - style burgers . . download now 曾經因綠島小夜曲而令人聞之色變,而今,則因緊鄰太平洋海岸線的賜予,儼然成為浮潛的天堂。

“ is a roundup of contributions by members of the ibm linux technology center to the development community in the area of security and encryption ”是由ibm linux technology center成員在安全和加密領域貢獻工作的結果。

As you endure the summer heat , it might be useful to also check out this month s “ restaurant roundup “ feature , which focuses on ice cream 天氣這么熱,看看這期的餐廳綜合報導可能對你有用喔,因為這期的焦點是冰淇淋。

In this roundup , we look at several software categories of interest to small businesses and the most mature open source offerings available 這篇綜述里,我們討論幾個具有成熟開源軟件的小型商業機構關心的軟件類別。

Have a glance at our roundup section - and get down to harbor 13 green bay kitchen for an exclusive copy of the complete schedule 對了, 13號碼頭綠水彎河岸餐房備有完整的賽事日程表手冊喔。

This installment provides new comparative reviews of recent python titles or titles missed in the last roundup 本文將對最近的python書籍(或在上次摘要中遺漏的書籍)提供新的比較評價。

Here s a roundup of the standards bodies , key standards , and architectures important for grid storage 下面介紹在網格存儲領域中非常重要的標準組織、關鍵標準和體系結構。

Detection method of glyphosate oxidoreductase gene from genetically modified roundup - ready rapeseed 轉基因抗草甘膦油菜籽中草甘膦氧化還原酶基因的檢測方法研究

Is a roundup of news and initiatives within and outside of ibm that concern grid computing 是一個介紹有關網格計算的新聞以及ibm內外活動的地方。

One biotech hobbyist claims to have created a weed resistant to roundup , america ' s most popular herbicide 一位愛好者發明了美國最流行的除草劑。

Roundup tank mixtures with atrazine plus acetochlar for weed control in zero - tillage corn field 農達與乙阿合劑桶混防除免耕玉米田雜草試驗報告