
roundly adv.1.圓圓地,滾圓地。2.充分,完全,全面地。3....


If books - or any products - were roundly priced at & pound ; 10 , & pound ; 15 or & pound ; 20 , then customers would frequently offer the correct change 如果一本書(或其它任何產品)的標價正好是10英鎊、 15英鎊或20英鎊,那么顧客常常會交付剛剛好的金額。

It roundly expatiated theory of microbent single - mode optical fiber ' s strain sensor and connections of dynamic range and distributing magnitude of strain sensor 全面闡述了單模光纖微彎應力傳感原理及應力傳感器的動態范圍與分布個數的關系。

The writer analyzed the driving force of financial innovation ail - roundly and systematically by the viewpoint of the movement contradiction and universal relation 筆者利用矛盾運動、普遍聯系的觀點,全面地、系統地分析了金融創新的動因。

A lot of students expressed from now on , they will study on their own initiative and also bring up themselves to the person with ability roundly 多數學生表示從現在開始,學習要變被動為主動,努力把自己培養成為德智體全面發展的人才。

To build a well - off society all - roundly , a scientific development outlook had to be insisted on to quicken the all - round development in the regions of nationality 全面建設小康社會,必須堅持科學發展觀,加快民族地區的全面發展。

If books - or any products - were roundly priced at ? 10 , ? 15 or ? 20 , then customers would frequently offer the correct change 如果一本書(或其它任何產品)的標價正好是10英鎊、 15英鎊或20英鎊,那么顧客常常會交付剛剛好的金額。

Shanan : i like flute but still not to study it roundly , please help me . blue dream : music can not only edify one s sentiment but also volition , i like music 藍色的夢:音樂不僅能陶冶人的情操,而且還能鍛煉一個人的意志,我愛音樂

But until now , the build - up and development of purchasing power parity have not been concluded integrally , roundly and detailedly 然而迄今為止,對于購買力平價理論形成與發展的全過程尚未做過完整、全面、詳實的綜述性整理。

Therefore , stock administration is the key process of controlling the cost roundly , increasing the efficiency and enhancing competitive ability 因此,采購管理是企業全面控制成本,提高效率,增強競爭能力的關鍵環節。

An impromptu football match broke out between the players ' kids in front of the shed , joe cole roundly booed when he joined in 在舍德看臺前,隊員的孩子們既興踢起了比賽,當喬-科爾也想摻和進去時四周隨即響起了噓聲。

Analyze the status of logic of “ learning “ in “ the analects “ help to roundly expound immanent logic and modern value of “ the analects “ 分析“學”在《論語》中的邏輯地位有助于全面闡發《論語》的內在邏輯和現代價值。

The paper only focuses on the normal colleges and universities , because no researcher has studied the subject roundly 本研究把關注焦點置于高等師范院校,因為目前高等師范院校的畢業生質量不盡如人意。

All in all , this article roundly reveals the author ' s rigorous thoughts and techniques during the whole fault diagnosis system design 本文較為全面地展示了作者在故障診斷系統設計過程中的思想方法。

Karl marx interpreted the theory of personal all - around development scientifically and roundly from the points of view of his times 馬克思立足于他所處的時代,科學、全面地詮釋了人的全面發展理論。

The third chapter analyzes roundly the development of nongovernmental investment since the pro - active fiscal policy carried out 第三章對積極財政政策實施以來民間投資的發展進行了全面分析。

And this can help state bureau ’ s leaders know the development direction of tobacco industry in time , roundly , well and truly 使國家煙草局能夠全面、及時、準確地掌握行業內的發展動向。

This is a significant and quite astonishing accomplishment and the language designers should be roundly applauded for this 這是一項驚世駭俗的重大成就,應當為此向語言設計人員大聲喝彩。

The logistics mis based on design thought and technique above can roundly support the practise of logistics bpr 基于以上設計思想和技術構建的物流mis更能全面地支持物流過程bpr的實施。

To stand on the new altitude , to carry out roundly the vital measures and to pursue new development , and to push vte further 站在新高度全面實施重大舉措謀求新發展繼續推進職業教育