
roundhead 【英史】圓頭黨人〔1642-1652 英國內戰時反對貴族...


The modern xylophone is also equipped with perpendicular resonators underneath the bars . the playing technique is similar to that of the glockenspiel , with roundhead mallets made in various degrees of hardness and resilience 它們像鋼琴的黑白琴鍵那樣排成兩行,在每塊木片下,裝有開口的金屬共鳴器,藉以增強聲音的回響,使音量更大。

Tristam hunt drives his way through the story of what used to be thought of as an english civil war between roundheads and cavaliers - and shows that it was in fact a war between three kingdoms and two religions 這是一個政治動? 、激進思想橫行的年代,是英國史上其中一個最黑暗、最殘酷的內戰時期,今天的英國仍深受影響。

Unwilling to be caught up in the ancient astronaut craze , anthropologists have suggested that the tassili “ roundheads “ are merely ceremonial dancers or priests wearing empty gourds over their heads 由于不愿意染上古代宇航員的狂熱,人類學家暗示泰斯利的“圓頭人”僅僅是儀式上的舞蹈,或者是祭司把空葫蘆戴在頭上。