roughshod adj.穿釘靴的;釘著防滑鐵蹄的(馬);殘酷無情的 (r...
adj. 穿釘靴的;釘著防滑鐵蹄的(馬);殘酷無情的 (ride roughshod over 對…大擺架子;騎在…脖子上作威作福,對…恣意妄為,對…橫行霸道)。 “roughshod pike“ 中文翻譯: 尖銳長矛“ride roughshod on the back of“ 中文翻譯: 騎在頭上作威作福“ride roughshod over“ 中文翻譯: 殘暴對待; 欺凌“ride roughshod over sb“ 中文翻譯: 欺凌某人“roughsea“ 中文翻譯: 風大浪急的海面“roughskin flounder“ 中文翻譯: 粒鰈“roughscuff“ 中文翻譯: 下層人民“roughskin sculpin“ 中文翻譯: 松江鱸“roughrolled tyres for railwayy“ 中文翻譯: 鐵路用粗制輪箍“roughspar“ 中文翻譯: 未加工的木桿“roughrider“ 中文翻譯: 非正式騎兵; 馴馬師; 野馬的騎士“roughspoken“ 中文翻譯: adj. 說話粗魯的。 “roughride“ 中文翻譯: 當馴馬師
roughspoken |
Glasser , who rode roughshod over the fbi , prosecutors , defense lawyers and the press during the gotti trial , made a series of telephone calls to sessions demanding that the sources for the news story be found , sources said 據悉,在審理戈蒂時,格拉瑟對聯邦調查局、檢察官、被告律師以及媒體毫不客氣。他打了好幾通電話給塞申斯,要他必須查出《每日新聞》的消息來源。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 在伊拉克,隨處可見大量的西方護衛官兵。他們恣意妄為,引起了伊拉克人們的極大憤恨。在他們眼中,這些所謂的官兵,只不過是一群在別國的土地上欺凌人們的惡霸實力罷了。 |
Japan ' s financial services agency has ordered citigroup to wind up its japanese private bank by next september , accusing the business of misleading customers , profiteering and riding roughshod over regulations 日本金融廳指責花旗在日本的私人銀行誤導消費者、牟取暴利,并公然蔑視監管規定,已責令花旗集團明年9月前關閉其在日本的私人銀行。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 西方安全公司在伊拉克數量眾多,令人矚目而且盛氣凌人。它們的存在已經激怒了許多伊拉克人,這些公司被認作是在伊拉克本土殘暴地對待人民的雇傭軍。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 伊拉克那些隨處可見的,咄咄逼人的西方保安人員,已經引起了許多伊拉克人的憤怒,他們認為這些唯利是圖的軍隊在他們自己的國家上欺凌自己的人民。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 在伊拉克存在眾多的西方保安承包人員,他們隨處可見,行為傲慢,已使很多伊拉克人感到憤怒。他們認為這些人是雇傭軍,在對他們的祖國施行暴政。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 在伊拉克存在眾多的西方保安承包人員,他們隨處可見,傲慢的行為已使很多伊拉克人感到憤怒。他們認為這些人是雇傭軍,在對他們的祖國施行暴政。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 如今伊拉克到處可見這些富有侵略性的西方保安公司,這讓伊拉克人非常的憤怒。他們覺得這些惟利是圖的公司在他們自己的國土上用鐵蹄踐踏他們。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 這些西方國家的保安人員人數眾多、隨處可見、橫行霸道,他們的存在激怒了許多伊拉克人,他們被認為是在伊拉克本土上殘酷欺壓百姓的雇傭軍。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 西方極具攻擊性的安全保護組織勢力在伊隨處可見并招致伊拉克人民的厭惡,伊拉克人民認為他們是在本國殘酷無情殺戮伊拉克人的暴力雇傭兵。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 現實情況是,那些好斗的西方保安承包人員已經激怒了很多伊拉克人,他們把這些人認為是惟利是圖在他們自己的國家欺壓在他們的武裝分子。 |
“ it ' s out of the question that music of misogynist character should be allowed to ride roughshod over questions of equality and the respect of the central african woman , “ ngoundgika said 尼貢德吉卡說: “我們不會讓那些厭惡妻子的歌曲對中非婦女的平等權和受尊重權產生威脅。中非婦女是該國發展的關鍵組成部分。 ” |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 隨處可見且極具攻擊型的西方安全保衛組織激怒了很多伊拉克人,他們認為這些保安組織惟利是圖,在他們的國土上蹂躪自己的同胞。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 太多具有攻擊性的西方安保承包商的出現激怒了許多伊拉克人,他們視這些在他們自己的國家蹂躪同胞的家伙是唯利是圖分子。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 西方保安公司的囂張招致許多伊拉克人的不滿,他們認為這些保安公司就是踐踏在他們國土上蹂躪伊拉克人民的雇用兵。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 隨處可見的極具攻擊性的西方安保人員激怒了許多伊拉克人,他們認為這些雇傭軍正在他們的國家恣意壓制。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 隨處可見的極具攻擊性的西方安保人員激怒了許多伊拉克人,他們認為這支雇傭軍正在自己的國家肆虐橫行。 |
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 隨處可見的好斗的西方面軍安保公司激怒了伊拉克民人眾,他們認為這支雇傭軍正在自己的國家肆虐橫行。 |
And , if your clients hold strong values around something , they want to know that you cherish the same values , that you won ' t run roughshod over them . , 如果你的客戶擁有強大的價值觀左右東西,他們想知道你珍惜你有相同的價值觀,那你不會實行鐵腕政策 |