
roughness n.1.粗糙;凹凸不平,崎嶇;蓬亂。2.粗暴;狂風暴雨。...


This road is rough . its roughness makes our car much slower 這條路糙.由于它的糙性我們的車子走得很慢

Roughness comparison specimens for wooden pieces 比較樣塊

Simulation of workpiece surface roughness base on nc milling machine 基于數控銑床的工件表面粗糙度建模

High grinding efficiency , excellent durability and surface roughness 研磨加工效率高耐用面粗度佳。

Founding - surface roughness inspection by visual tactile comparators 鑄造.目視比較儀檢查表面粗糙度

There was little roughness in the spot and much playfulness 這場游戲中粗魯的成份少,快活的成份多。

Paper and board - determination of the roughness bendtsen metho 紙和紙板粗糙度的測定法本特生粗糙度法

Control technique for surface roughness of strip in cold tandem rolling 冷軋鋁板帶材生產的板形控制

Method for determination of the bendtsen roughness of paper and board 紙和紙板本特森粗糙度測定方法

Roughness comparison specimens - spark - erosion machining surfaces 表面粗糙度比較樣塊電火花加工表面

Effect of cutting conditions on surface roughness of aluminum target 切削用量對鋁靶表面質量的影響

Nanometer scale surface roughness measurement based on afm 基于原子力顯微鏡的納米級表面粗糙度測量

Research on the method of simulating road roughness numerically 公路路面不平度的數值模擬方法研究

The roughness measure of rough - fuzzy sets 粗糙模糊集的粗糙性度量

Eliminate undercut and roughness in the mould 消除模腔坑凹和粗糙

Verification scheme of measuring instruments for surface roughness 表面粗糙度計量器具檢定系統

Roughness comparison specimens - shot - blasted and grit - blasted surfaces 表面粗糙度比較樣塊拋

Study on the surface roughness of rock joint 巖石節理面粗糙程度研究

Describe rock joint roughness coefficient with fractal dimension 巖石節理粗糙系數的分形描述