
roughly adv.粗糙地;粗暴地;粗俗地;粗略地。 roughly...


Beijing has roughly 2 million only - child adults 粗略計算北京目前有2百萬獨生子女。

Also how much roughly would each veneer cost 并且各塊表面飾板大致會花費多少

This is very roughly sketch for my first concept 這是一張很粗糟的想法和構圖。

Beijing has roughly 2 million only - child adults 北京現在約有200萬獨生子女青年

It was the name of the lover who had wronged his sweetheart, and had afterwards been so roughly used by the young woman's mother in the butter churn . 因為欺騙了情人,后來又叫情人的媽在黃油機器里攪了個不亦樂乎的那個壞小子,就叫這個名字。

Along with ruby there are a great many other solid state lasers whose outputs range in wavelength from roughly 500 to 2500 nm . 除了紅寶石之外,還有許多其它的固體激光器,輸出波長從大約500納米(nm)到2500納米(nm)。

Also, the difference in pressure between any two points in a bed is roughly approximated by the static head of bed between these points . 還有,床層中任意兩點間的壓差大致等于這兩點間床層靜壓頭。

The cloud was roughly 6, 000 feet across and ultimately rose to a height of nearly 10, 000 feet before being dispersed . 云層直徑大約6000,當它還沒有被風吹散以前,它將最后升達近1萬的高空。

He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility for his entry had been followed by a pause of talk . 他故意粗聲粗氣地說,不顯出斯文的樣子,因為他一進門,別的顧客都停止談話,注意他了。

Perhaps one could roughly state that the concept of the genetic system is the counterpart of the concept of the ecological niche . 人們可能會粗略地說,遺傳系統的概念是生態小生境概念的副本。

On the average, in weapons of this type, roughly equal amounts of explosive energy result from fission and from fusion . 平均說來,在這類武器中,由裂變和由驟變所產生的爆炸能量大致相等。

The heart is located roughly in the center of the chest cavity. it is surrounded by a protective membrane, the pericardium . 心臟大至位于胸腔的中央,為一個保護膜即心包膜所包圍。

He was thrown roughly to the ground, and dick stood across him, flushed and menacing, with doubled fist . 他被粗暴地推倒在地上,狄克緊握著拳頭,滿臉通紅,威脅地跨在他的身上。

That would cut their average rates of growth by roughly four percentage points annually during the period adjustment . 這將使調整時期的增長率每年大約下降4個百分點。

In structure it is somewhat like a transparent onion, formed of roughly 22, 000 very fine layers . 在結構上,它有點像一個透明的洋蔥頭,約由22,000片很薄的層組成。

The two-moment description tells where the ions are located and roughly how broad the distribution is . 二階矩描述給出了離子的停止位置,并粗略地給出分布的寬度。

The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions . 這位律師查明了那兒的一個警察確實多次對待外僑行為粗暴。

prisms providing deviations ranging from about 15°to roughly 45°are available commercially. 市場上能買到的棱鏡的偏轉角大約從15到45。

it is well known that experimental β-ray absorption curves are roughly exponential. 眾所周知,實驗上測得的射線吸收曲線大致是指數型的。