
rough adj.1.粗糙的 (opp. smooth); 凹凸的...

rough bluegrass

Kneeling beside the stream, he made a rough toilet . 他跪在溪邊,馬馬虎虎地盥洗了一下。

This is only a rough estimate . 這僅是大致的估計。

I had an especially rough time during my first semester . 我第一個學期的日子難受極了。

He's a diamond in the rough . 他是一顆天然的寶石。

Satin is very easily roughed . 緞子是很容易起毛的。

The sea was very rough the day we crossed the channel . 我們橫渡海峽那天,波濤洶涌。

Rough and narrow was the road . 這條路既崎嶇又狹窄。

His manners are rough , but he is a kind man at heart . 他雖然舉止粗魯,但心地善良。

Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife . 許多粗野的男人被他們的妻子教好了。

Life was rough and hard in the “wild west“ . 在“野蠻的西部”,生活是粗獷而艱苦的。

The rough street was crowded . 街道不平坦,行人很多。

Only the rough guess and estimate can be made of it . 對此只能作出一個粗略的測算。

The ship made slow progress through the rough sea . 船在洶涌波濤的大海中緩慢前進。

The ways of truth are hard and rough to walk on . 真理之路多坎坷,行走起來甚艱辛。

This tractor is worth eight thousand dollars in the rough . 這臺拖拉機約值8千元。

The strikers were roughed up by the fascist cops . 罷工工人遭到法西斯警察的毆打。

The farm woman 's hands were rough with hand work . 這個農婦常干粗活,手很粗糙。

Make a rough sketch before you draw . 畫畫得先打個底子。

It 's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather . 在大風浪中為船舶引航是很困難的。