
rotundity n.1.球狀,圓形;圓物。2.肥胖。3.(聲音的)洪亮。...


The shape index tends to increase with growth of the patch area . the shape indices of the forest and the farm landscape between 1 . 10 and 1 . 30 and the shapes of them are close to rotundity . however , the shape indices of the herbage and the shrub landscape of temperate zone between 1 . 30 and 3 . 00 and the shapes of them are long and narrow 五臺山地區的斑塊形狀指數隨著斑塊面積的增加有逐漸增大的趨勢,該地區各類景觀要素中,各類森林景觀和農田景觀的斑塊形狀指數大多在1 . 10 1 . 30 ,其斑塊的形狀較接近于?形(即緊密型形狀) ;而溫帶灌叢景觀、溫帶草原及灌草叢景觀和山地草甸景觀的斑塊形狀指數大多在1 . 30 3 . 00 ,這幾類景觀要素的斑塊由于面積較大,大多以狹長為主(即松散型形狀) 。

I m as good as two of such ! look here here s at ee ! to tess s horror the dark queen began stripping off the bodice of her gown - which for the added reason of its ridiculed condition she was only too glad to be free of - till she had bared her plump neck , shoulders , and arms to the moonshine , under which they looked as luminous and beautiful as some praxitelean creation , in their possession of the faultless rotundities of a lusty country girl 使苔絲嚇了一跳的是, “黑桃皇后”開始脫她的上身衣服真正的原因是弄臟的上衣引人發笑,她正樂意借故把它脫掉她在月光下脫得露出了渾圓的脖子肩膀和胳膊,因為她是一個農村姑娘,在朦朧的月色里,她的脖子肩膀和胳膊光亮美麗豐滿圓潤和完美無缺,就像蒲拉克西蒂利創造的某些作品一樣。

Last we give criteria of uniform rotundity point and weak uniform rotundity point in musielak - orlicz sequence spaces in chapter 3 . for musielak - orlicz function spaces case , we only give necessity and sufficient condition of the spaces are uniformly local convex since the case is very complex 本文在第三章,由于musielak - orlicz空間的復雜性,只給出了該空間局部一致凸的判別準則,本文給出了musielak - orlicz空間的一致凸點和弱一致凸點的判別準則。

There was , moreover , a boldness and rotundity of speech among these matrons , as most of them seemed to be , that would startle us at the present day , whether in respect to its purport or its volume of tone 尤其令人矚目的是,這些主婦們多數人一開口便是粗喉嚨大嗓門,要是在今天,她們的言談無論是含義還是音量,都足以使我們瞠目結舌。

Chapter 3 monotone points in musielak - orlicz sequence spaces : the role of monotonicity in banach much like the rotundity in banach spaces 第三章musielak - orlicz序列空間的單調點:單調性在banach格中的地位十分相象于凸性在banach空間中的地位

This thesis investigates mainly the locally ( weakly ) uniform rotundity and monotone points of musielak - orlicz sequence space . it consists of five parts 本文對musielak - orlicz序列空間的局部(弱)一致凸和單調點進行了一些研究

Fifteen rotundity ktv vip balconies have modern design with meaning of reu - nion and lucky 15間圓形環繞的ktv貴賓包廂,設計造型充滿豪華與氣派,具有現代派的意境。

The drum sieve is made of corrugated iron with strip - shaped holes , which is folded to rotundity 篩網由有條形孔的波形鋼板制成并折成筒形。