
rotten adj.1.腐敗的,腐朽的;腐爛的;不干凈的,邋遢的;臭...

rotten borough

Most of the wood was so rotten that when they pulled it broke up into a shower of fragments and woodlice and decay . 大多數的樹木都已腐爛不堪,一拉就碎,木屑四飛,還有紛揚的樹虱和爛物。

Hitler was sure that the french political system was rotten to the core, and that it had infected the french army . 希特勒確信法國的政治制度已經腐敗不堪,而法國軍隊也受到了沾染。

His veins were full of ancestral blood that was rotten with this sort of unconscious brutality . 他的血管里,充滿了祖代傳留的,由于這種不自覺的殘忍而腐朽的血液。

His grandeurs were stricken valueless; they seemed to fall away from him like rotten rags . 他的榮華一下子變得一錢不值,好像一些碎布片似的從他身上脫落下去了。

As he made this dreary soliloquy, he had cantered out of rotten row into the park . 他一邊這么悶悶不樂地自言自語,一邊離開了羅登道,來到公園里。

By the look he gave when i asked him, i expected it was something pretty rotten . 從我問他時他的神情來看,我估計,這件事夠不光彩的。

As he went out, a smell of hydrogen sulfide, like rotten eggs, wafted in . 他一出去,一股硫酸味道象臭雞蛋似的吹了進來。

In hyde park, elegantly attired riders centered on rotten row . 海德公園里,服飾華麗的騎手們站在羅敦小路中央。

It's rotten and it's wild-eyed; it's dirty from start to finish . 這事真卑鄙,真荒唐透頂,徹頭徹尾的骯臟。

I can't say it, you know; but it must be rotten to the dead . 我說不明白,你知道;但是去死一定是很糟糕的。

I stumbled over rotten logs, stepped into anthills . 我一會兒被腳下的朽木絆倒,一會兒又踏進螞蟻冢里。

But he could not find a spoon and his sardines were rotten . 但他找不到匙鉤,他的沙丁魚都腐爛了。

Eugene gripped ben's hot wrists: his heart turned rotten . 尤金抓住阿賓滾燙的手腕,心里五臟如焚。

Celia, i'm being unfair and rotten to you, am not i ? 西莉亞,我對你太不公平,太刻薄了,是吧?

The chopping board is rotten . 這案板糟了。

She's had a rotten time . 她有一種痛苦的經歷。

Fate was against us, i come from a rotten stock . 命運和我們作對,我出生于一個墮落的家族。

This is a rotten place . 這是個骯里骯臟的地方。

How could one live in such a rotten society ? 一個人怎么能生活在一個這么腐朽的社會里呢?