
roto n.(pl. -tos) 〔美國〕=rotogravur...


Many of them , such as the high temperature yarn dyeing machines , rapier looms , l - box bleaching range , short loop heat setting machines and roto - stream type overflow dyeing machines are technically advanced in 90s 在引進先進技術設備的同時,廣大技術人員努力學習新技術,采用新工藝,不斷開發研制出多種工業、裝飾和新潮服裝用布的新產品,其中,純棉水洗縐布、粘合襯里布等新產品,填補了國內及北京地區紡織產品市場的空白。

The roto - jet pump is a new kind of very low specific speed pump which is developed in recent years . it is always used in carbin black , food production , chemical industry and deep well mining system to supply the steady outflow with low flux and high pressure 旋轉噴射泵是近些年才發展起來的一種極低比轉數泵,主要用在碳黑、食品、化工以及深井采礦系統中用以提供小流量高水頭的穩定出流。

Common nagging thought are short circuited and the stream of talking with myself garbage which usually inundates one s mental pipelines are given an energetic flushing out by the lightning rod roto rooter of the here and now 我之所以入定是因為執空,這只不過是執著我相的另一面而已。面對無我的實相,本應該打破自我,我反而執著于空,入了定。

A new type of very low specific speed pump ? roto - jet pump is presented for low flowrate and high head transportation , which is introduced at the end of the thesis 論文最后主要研究了一種隸屬于極低比轉數離心泵范疇的新型泵? ?旋噴泵,它是一種新型的石油化工用泵,具有流量小、揚程高、流量揚程曲線平緩的特點。

It should n ' t always be regarded as the room of last resort , “ said steven pollyea , roto - rooter vice president of marketing , in a press release emailed to reuters 公司市場部副總裁指出: “這種衛生間是你的王國中最完美的地方。衛生間不應該再被忽視。

The pick - up tube is one of the most important overflowing parts , and its design result will directly influent the efficiency of the roto - jet pump 集流管是旋噴泵的重要的過流部件,它的設計的好壞直接影響到旋噴泵的效率。

The design of the pick - up tube accords to the research on the roto - jet pump by other people in china and a new type model is designed 集流管的設計參照了目前國內對集流管的研究并提出了一種改進型的集流管模型。

The work theory of the roto - jet pump is very specific and it has very simple construction and smooth performance curve and cheap maintain 旋噴泵工作原理比較特殊,結構簡單,性能曲線穩定,維護方便。

Globalink trading company - focuses mainly in injection plastic , micro - injection plastic and roto - molding oem industry 永隆制模有限公司-制造金屬、塑膠、橡膠模具。

Ohio - based roto - rooter says its “ pimped out john “ is designed to “ fulfil all your wildest bathroom dreams “ 的奢華衛生間的設計理念是完成你最狂野的衛生間夢想

Study on the mechanism of void formation in roto - moulding of long - fiber reinforced resin 長纖維增強液態反應性樹脂復合材料旋轉模塑成型工藝氣泡形成機理試驗分析

Three - dimensional numerical simulation of internal flow within the impeller of roto - jet pump 旋噴泵葉輪內部流動的全三維數值模擬

The cement roto - packer 回轉式水泥包裝機

We can kiss those deals good - bye faster than you can say roto - rooter 眨眼間,我們就可以跟那些交易說再見了,

Plastic processing injection , extrusion and roto - molding 塑料加工注塑擠壓成型立式注塑

Progress of the research and development of roto - jet pump 地下滴灌技術的研究現狀與發展

Experimental research on low specific speed roto - jet pump 低比轉數旋噴泵的試驗研究