
rotl n.(pl. artal , rotls) 羅特爾〔穆斯...


On december 5 , 2001 , f5 networks senior management - mr john mcadam , president and ceo and mr steve goldman , senior vice president of sales and services arrived in hong kong from seattle to meet with artel s chairman , mr danny yu to discuss artel s role in f5 s worldwide strategy . also present during this meeting from f5 was mr leigh wilson , vice president asia pacific , mr francis zhang , director of greater china , and mr francis ng , general manager - hong kong F5networks行政總裁mrjohnmcadam ,聯同銷售及服務高級副總裁mrstevegoldman上周三( 12月5日)專程從美國西雅圖飛抵本港,會晤宏通集團控股有限公司主席游本宏先生,同行的還有f5亞太區副總裁mrleighwilson , f5大中國區總經理張毅強先生和f5香港區總經理吳家輝先生,足見宏通在f5高層心目中的地位。

After a stringent selection process and careful consideration , d - link once again appoints artel as its distribution agent for the china market . for the first time , d - link changes its past market positioning in selling low to middle range products and launch the des - 6000 high - end switches and enterprise layer three switches with the big - scale enterprises and telecommunications corporations as the target customers 友訊網絡較早前與神州數碼結束了合作關系,公司再次在中國市場甄選和委任總代理,并且一改過往以中低端產品為主的業務定位,推出des - 6000高端交換機、以及針對大型企業和電訊商的三層交換機。

“ artel s extensive distribution network will allow for timely supply of f5 products to the growing market for f5 products through their reseller channel in china , “ said mr john mcadam , f5 networks president and ceo , “ currently , asia represents a significant stage in the development of f5 F5行政總裁mrjohnmcadam表示:宏通擁有龐大的分銷網絡,可將f5迅速打入正在不斷增長的大中國市場。開拓亞洲市場是f5整體業務發展的一個重要階段。

Both the prc clone personal computer makers and do - it - yourself market have a great demand for the products and the group continues to be one of intel s major distributors in the asia pacific region , “ noted mr . danny yu , chairman , artel solutions group holdings limited 在國內,不論是個人電腦( pc )生產商,或是自行裝配電腦的顧客,對集團的產品均有很大的需求。集團仍然是intel產品在亞太地區其中最大的分銷商之一。

Artel has both the capability and experience in it products distribution and providing e - enabling solutions which matches perfectly with d - link s change of marketing strategy in developing business with big - scale enterprises and in the information industry 宏通兼備分銷和解決方案能力,與友訊向大型企業及電訊行業轉型的發展策略不謀而合。集團將馬上展開核心分銷渠道的培訓工作,并舉辦全國性巡回展銷及行業研討會。

Headquartered in hong kong , artel has access to over 5 , 000 authorized dealers , 700 authorized value added resellers and system integrators in the prc through its nine exclusive prc sub - distributors located in 17 major cities in the prc 宏通集團控股有限公司的總部設于香港,在中國透過9個覆蓋全國17個大城市的獨家代理商,聯系5000多家遍布中國的特約經銷商、 700個特約增值分銷商及系統集成商。

“ artel was appointed f5 networks distribution agent in hong kong and china in march this year . we are very proud to announce that within a few months , we have become one of f5 networks chief distribution agents 宏通主席游本宏先生表示:宏通在今年三月底才取得f5networks中國和香港區的代理權,在短短數月的時間已能成為f5networks全球最大的代理商之一,我們實在非常高興。

The signing ceremony announcing the cooperation took place in today s press conference held in beijing and was officiated by d - link s prc general manager , mr jack huang and artel s executive director and chief operation officer , mr frederick yu 簽約議式暨新聞發布會于北京舉行,并由友訊網絡中國區總經理黃哲煌先生及宏通集團執行董事兼營運總監余志明先生親自主持。

Taking into account the vast potential of the china market and artel s professional distribution capabilities - f5 appointed artel as its sole distributor in hong kong and major distributor in china F5非常重視中國市場未來的發展潛力,同時亦高度肯定宏通集團的專業分銷代理能力,故此委任宏通集團作為f5產品在大中國區的獨家總代理。

As a professional it products distributor , artel owns a very strong and extensive distribution network in hong kong and china and is one of intel s most significant strategic partners in china 宏通集團為專業網路產品代理商,在大中國區擁有強大的分銷網絡,是英特爾公司在中國市場最重要的策略伴之一。

It is our intention to work closely with artel and this is also the main reason for us to enter into an agreement with artel so that we can jointly develop and explore the prc market . 這正是友訊決定與宏通簽約,并且計劃與宏通緊密合作,共同拓展中國網絡產品市場的主要原因。

By combining their e - business expertise and application knowledge with the resources of f5 networks , artel will be in a position to support a broader spectrum of customers 融合了其電子專業技術及應用知識,加上f5的產品資源,宏通將可為更多不同范疇的顧客提供服務。

The visit from f5 senior management further enhances and reflects the close alliance between the two companies , “ noted mr danny yu , chairman of artel solutions group 今次f5networks高層遠道從美國來跟我們會面,顯示雙方的合作關系更加密切。

Artel will offer f5 networks award winning product suite as part of their extensive range of network hardware and software solutions 宏通將于其強大的網絡硬件及軟件產品中同時提供獲得業界肯定的f5系列產品。

The move also allows artel to bring value to its customer by helping to ensure that mission - critical websites are available around the clock 透過其代理的f5產品,宏通可確保客戶網站持續不斷的服務。

A revision is long overdue , said dr . raul artal of the saint louis university school of medicine 圣路易斯大學醫學院的羅爾?阿特阿爾博士認為,這樣的調整早就該做了。