
roti n.〔法語〕烤肉。


While yellow - created cockatoo and some asian fresh water turtles like pig - nosed turtle and roti snake - necked turtle are precious pets , rare fishes like humphead wrasse and great white shark fetch high prices for their meat , jaws and fins . desert - living cistanche and agarwood are important ingredients for some traditional chinese medicines and aromas 小葵花鸚鵡,以及如飛河和羅地島長頸等某些亞洲淡水品種是珍稀寵物而蘇眉和大白鯊等罕有魚類的肉顎骨和魚鰭的售價則非常高昂肉蓯蓉和沉香則是制造中藥和香水的重要成份。

Singaporeans , despite their exposure to a wider availability of foreign cuisines , still crave for their chicken rice , nasi lemak and roti prata 雖然外地佳肴在本地唾手可得,國人還是鐘情于海南雞飯馬來椰漿飯和印度煎餅。

“ it may not be a legal debt , but it is a personal one , “ roti replied . “ it is a debt of honor . 羅迪說: “法律上這也許不算債務,不過我個人是認帳的,這是道義上的債務。 ”

“ they told me once they never had recovered their loss in your bank , “ she informed roti 她告訴羅迪: “他們有一回對我說,他們在你的銀行中受的損失,沒有得到補償。 ”

Roti canal is a round , flat bread made from wheat flour and is cooked on a hot plate ,色彩鮮明口味濃郁是馬來西亞美食獨家特色馬來菜以多種香料調味的藝術而聞名。

Two famous malay breakfast specials that you will enjoy are roti canai and nasi lemak .又辣又香,刺激過癮

“it may not be a legal debt, but it is a personal one,“ roti replied. “it is a debt of honor. “ 羅迪說:“法律上這也許不算債務,不過我個人是認帳的,這是道義上的債務。”

“they told me once they never had recovered their loss in your bank,“ she informed roti . 她告訴羅迪:“他們有一回對我說,他們在你的銀行中受的損失,沒有得到補償。”

Roti liquidated all the assets he could, turned in his own last dollar . 羅迪把他所有的資產換了現款,墊盡了自己的錢。

Honor was a trait handed down from generation to generation in the roti family . 講道義是羅迪家中世傳的美德。