
rotenone n.【化學】魚藤酮。


Fish poisoning , with the use of toxic substances such as rotenone and cyanide , again not only poisons the neurosystem of the target fish for the ease of catching , but the similar dosage would kill nearby small fish and other marine lives such as corals 毒魚即使用魚藤或山埃等有毒物質去捕魚,不但破壞欲捕捉的魚類的神經系統,使其容易被捕獲,同樣的劑量亦會殺害附近的細魚及其他海洋生物如珊瑚等。

Is a large climber originating in india , burma and thailand and other tropical regions . it is also grown in guangdong , guangxi and nanhai in china . the plants roots contain rotenone which can be made into insecticidal formulations in the form of dust or aerosol 魚藤屬豆科,木質藤本,制農藥的名毒魚藤( derris elliptica ) ,原產印度、緬甸和泰國等地方,中國廣東、廣西和海南也有栽培。

Mr . cheng siu - bun of the landscaping section said , we generally spray rotenone on campus once every three months . in pest - infested areas or during the mosquito breeding months of april and may , it may be shortened to once a month 園藝組鄭兆斌先生說:我們大概每三個月噴灑一次魚藤滅蟲藥,但某些地方如蟲患嚴重,或者正值四、五月的蚊蟲滋生期,會增加至每月一次。

Jimenez jj , bernal jl , novo m , et al . determination of rotenone residues in raw honey by solid - phase extraction and high - performance liquid chromatography [ j ] . j chromatogr a , 2000 , 871 ( 1 ) : 67 李云鵬,董兆君,王仕麗,等.重復注射魚藤酮對中樞多巴胺神經元的毒性作用[ j ] .第三軍醫大學學報, 2003 , 25 ( 13 ) : 1123

The landscaping section uses natural home - made pesticide which is both easy to make and environmentally friendly . it is rotenone , an extract from the root of the plant 不過,中大園藝組使用自制的滅蟲農藥,材料天然,制法簡單,極符環保原則。

Protective effects of olanzapine on pc12 cells from rotenone induced apoptosis 12細胞凋亡的保護作用

Preparation of rotenone microcapsules by in - situ polymerization 原位聚合法制備魚藤酮微膠囊

Standard practice for sampling fish with rotenone 用魚藤酮采集魚樣的標準規程