
rote n.1.死記,死背。2.機械方法;刻板辦法;固定程序。短...


This is mere variation on the chime most expats will know well , the by - rote patter they hear when they have any complaint about the country - - ‘ if you don ' t like china , go home 這不過是外籍人常聽到的老調重彈的變種,每當他們對該國有所抱怨的時候就能聽到- “如果你不喜歡中國,那就回老家去啊! ”

Classroom observation is not only a main method to collect data , but also an independent approach in education research . it plays an important rote in classroom research 課堂觀察不但是教育科學研究中收集資料的手段之一,也是一種獨立的教育科研方法,它在教育教學研究中具有不容忽視的作用。

The traditional way of the chinese teaching is characterized by its stability and unicity ; however , the concept of knowledge which is only aimed at rote memorization and retelling has been queried 知識哲學認為知識的價值不在于給人現成的東西,而在于給人不斷創造的“起點” 。

Acquisition of the fuse alarm digital variables : during idle , repeat acquired the 120 routes 48 analog data , process sample statistic for each rote acquired active - high 熔絲報警開關量信息的采集:在idle時候循環采集120路開入數據,對各路采到的實時高電平次數進行樣本統計。

In other words , get the students to use what they have to learn to think , they will unheedingly learn and remember . this is more effective than rote - learning 換句話說,讓學生多多運用教材進行思考,讓他們在不知不覺中把教材記住,而不是一味要學生強記死背,教學效果更能提高。

However , eastern tradition places too much emphasis on foundations . the insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems 然而東方傳統中過于重視基礎,強調死記硬背,無形中影響了對新現象新問題的大膽設想求證。

Consequently , vedic learning by rote was encouraged and prized , particularly among brahmins , where learning of one ' s own vedic texts was a mandated duty 因此,機械地學習吠陀是受到鼓勵和贊揚,尤其是在婆羅門中間,學習吠陀文獻是一個受委托的責任。

Which is why we emphasize time and again the importance of first hand experience for our children . which is why we are so adamantly against rote teaching 這正是我們為什么反復強調兒童獲取直接體驗的重要性,同時堅決反對死記硬背教學法的原因。

So - called “ martial arts “ / self - defense / unarmed combat usually meant a set by rote series of reactive maneuvers against the offensive attack of the enemy 當時所謂的“武術” /自衛/徒手格斗通常都是針對敵人的進攻采取一系列機械的反應式動作。

Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the german method of lecturing , in which the professor ' s own research was presented in class 以往的死記硬背的鉆研和學習的方法被包含著教授本人的研究內容的德國演講式的教學所替代。

Memorization of information by frequency repetition ( rote learning ) plays a role in education system to what extend do you agree or disagree 信息的記憶來自重復的頻率,那么機械學習扮演了一個重要角色在教育體系中!你同意嗎?

Drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the german method of lecturing , in which the professor ' s own research was presented in class 源自德國的講師制取代了操練和死記硬背,教授們可以把自己的研究成果帶到課堂上來。

A recent study revealed the surprising fact that many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization 最近的1項研究顯示啦1個令人驚訝的事實情況狀況:許多學生僅僅依靠死記硬背經過考試。

A recent study revealed the surprising fact that many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization 最近的一項研究顯示了一個令人驚訝的事實:許多學生僅僅依靠死記硬背通過考試。

The children began shouting out memorization drills , and the sounds of rote drilling rose out of other classrooms , as noisy as squawking birds 孩子們開始背誦課文,背誦的聲音貫穿了課堂,像是鳥兒嘈雜的叫聲。

You are not inclined to rote learning and repetition , nor are you inclined to repetitively practice or execute the same sequence over and over again 你不會死記硬背、也不會重復操練或者一遍遍地做同一件事。

Concomitantly , students are compelled to perform rote tasks of memorization and conform to classroom routines 與此同時,學生繼續被迫死記硬背,機械式地完成各種學習任務,繼續在教室里履行公事似的完成學業。

Journal . thus , parents and teachers should encourage students to use more executive thinking and less rote memorization 研究結果顯示,家長和老師應鼓勵學生減少背誦并加強以管理學習的思維學習。

Spelling , vocabulary , and rote recall of rules of grammar aren ' t tested . see sample questions or read tips & strategies 拼寫,詞匯,機械式的語法背誦不在考試之內。見范例或閱讀考試提示與技巧。