
rotarian adj.,n.扶輪社 (Rotary Club)的(社員...


Today , rotarians are involved in more than 60 microcredit projects around the world 今天,扶輪社員們在全世界各地參與60多個微型貸款計畫。

The ri convention celebrates the global diversity of rotarians and their cultures 國際扶輪年會是以全球扶輪社員和他們文化的差異來慶祝。

How can the rotarian or regional rotary magazine be used to benefit the club 英文扶輪月刊或地域性扶輪雜志如何使用能對扶輪社有所助益?

Some callers even asked how they could become a rotarian in order to help the needy 有些人甚至問,他們如何能成為扶輪社員以幫助窮人。

Recognize a club member with the four avenues of service citation for individual rotarians 以扶?社員個人四大服務獎表彰一位社員。

Rotarians run the seminars and incorporate recreational and cultural activities 扶輪社員負責主辦訓練會,并在其中穿插休?與文化活動。

The united states leads the way in total number of rotarians , with 388 , 170 members 美國的扶輪社員總人數領先各國,有388 , 170個社員。

It is rotarians serving daily meals to children who otherwise would go hungry 扶輪社員們每天供應三餐給兒童,否則這些兒童就會挨餓。

During the first three decades of my life as a rotarian , rotary was growing steadily 在我扶輪社員生涯的頭三十年里,扶輪穩健成長。

There is a trust among rotarians , no matter their faith , color , or domicile 扶輪社社員不論他們的信仰、膚色或者住處彼此間信任著。

Brings together flying and non - flying rotarians alike all over the world 該聯合會將全世界飛行和非飛行的扶輪國際會員聯合在一起。

But as rotarians , we do not walk away from these tremendous challenges 但是對于這些巨大的挑戰,我們作為扶輪社員豈能撒手不管。

Stelman asked rotarians to offer whatever assistance they can to those families 史鐵曼吁請扶輪社員們盡他們所能協助這些家庭。

How did rotarians from the international partner club participate in the project 國際合作的扶輪社之社員是如何參與這項計畫

Trf also offers many other types of recognition of rotarians ' good work 扶輪基金會也提供其他許多獎項來表彰扶輪社員的善行。

There were no “ in - betweens . “ rotarians were influential proponents of that philosophy 扶輪社員是這項哲學的有力支持者。

In 1987 , the rotarians of the world made me their worldwide president 于1987年,全世界的扶輪社員選我當他們全球的社長。

Each group should feature a rotarian or volunteer who knows the field 每個小組應有一個扶輪社員或義工對該種職業很熟悉。

Two eye - opening presentations got rotarians thinking and talking 有?場?人耳目一新的演講促使扶?社員重新思考,彼此討? 。