
rotameter n.轉子流量計,轉子流速計。


Other auxiliary equipment and meters and instruments such as measure tank , storage tank , pmp , rotameter and temperature indicator should be prepared by customer . our company can also provide through additional process or order instead of customer as request 其他輔助設備和儀表如:計量罐、貯罐、輸送泵、轉子流量計、溫度指示儀表等用戶自備,我公司也可按用戶要求另行加工或代訂購供應。

Rotameter installed in purge system , allows the operator to check the status of the system to prevent the sample container from rupturing 3在purge管路中安裝浮子流量計,采樣者可從浮子流量計得知系統是否正常無堵塞,如此可確保采樣安全

Note : the elevated tank , rotameter , water drain apparatus , technological valve and pipeline are settled by customers themselves 注:其中高位槽轉子流量計疏水器工藝閥門管道由用戶自理。

The evaluation of uncertainty in measurement for error of rotameter 轉子流量計示值誤差測量結果的不確定度評定

Verification regulation of rotameter 轉子流量計檢定規程

Simulation and experiment on horizontal metal tube rotameter 水平式金屬管浮子流量計的仿真與實驗

Standard practice for rotameter calibration 轉子流量計校準的標準實施規程

The rotameter is not satisfactory for fluids containing solids . 這種流量計不適用于帶有固體的流體。