
rota n.1.〔主英〕花名冊,勤務簿。2.〔英國〕值班,輪班。...


Now rota , spain was unfamiliar to me , but it is the power base that guards the entrance into the mediterranean sea from the atlantic ocean . all of the great ships and military personnel go through that narrow passage so it s a very critical and important port guarding the mediterranean . and that was my first port of call to minister to the military 在這以前我從未聽過路特這名字,但這是個很重要的基地,它守護著從大西洋進入地中海的水道,所有的大母艦和軍事人員都要從兒進入地中海,所以這是個非常關鍵和重要的軍事港口,這是我第一次到軍隊講道。

“ the public is informed that on wednesday , february 23d , being the first day of the carnival , executions will take place in the piazza del popolo , by order of the tribunal of the rota , of two persons , named andrea rondola , and peppino , otherwise called rocca priori ; the former found guilty of the murder of a venerable and exemplary priest , named don cesare torlini , canon of the church of st . john lateran ; and the latter convicted of being an accomplice of the atrocious and sanguinary bandit , luigi vampa , and his band 于是,他把那張告示從墻上撕了下來,交給了弗蘭茲,弗蘭茲讀道: “公告,奉宗教審判廳令,二月二十二日星期三,即狂歡節之第一日,死囚二名將于波波羅廣場被處以極刑。一名為安德烈倫陀拉,一名為庇皮諾,即羅卡庇奧立前者犯謀害罪,謀殺了德高望眾的圣拉德蘭教堂教士西塞德列尼先生后者則系惡名昭彰之大盜羅吉萬帕之黨羽。

The image is of an 8 - spoked wheel with the secret vowels of the tetragammaton ( name of god ) and the letters rota , which means wheel - however if you transpose the letters it spells “ taro “ 八輪輻的輪子肖像,還有正方晶(神的名字)的秘密元音和字母rota ,意思是輪子? ?然而如果你調換了字母,就拼成“ taro ” 。

I spent two nights at our american embassy and there i met some very distinguished guests at a special dinner . included in that guest list was the head of our military forces in rota , spain 其中兩晚,我在大使館跟喬治和很多特別的來賓吃晚飯,其中包括西班牙路特市軍隊的總司令。

That is just one of the , well , hazy cases that wound up before the vatican ' s sacra romana rota , a top court which hears the most complicated of marriage annulment requests 這只是層層上到梵諦岡羅馬圣輪法院的眾多晦澀案件之一,該單位是教廷審理最復雜的婚姻無效要求的最高法庭。

I noticed that throughout this trip to the military bases as i traveled from the navy base in rota , spain to our army bases in frankfurt and stuttgart , germany 這是現在才有的規則。從西班牙的路特到德國法蘭克福,我看見軍人離開基地后總穿便服。

I was told that i would be greeted at the airport at rota by a colonel from the base 他們對我說,在路特機場會有一名上尉接待我。

When our plane landed in rota i looked for a colonel but didn t see one 我們的飛機在路達降落,但我看不見任何上尉。