
rot vi.(-tt-)1.腐爛;朽壞;枯萎;(尤指囚犯)虛弱...


Occurrence and prevention and control of potato ring rot 馬鈴薯環腐病的發生及防治

It is as i said , is it not ? may you rot 和我說的一樣,不是嗎?祝你早點完蛋。

This will eventually end up rotting your whole body . . 這樣會讓你全身都爛掉…

Some waste rots away over a long period of time 有些食物要經過好長時間才會腐爛。

Instead ofletting them rot in some underground vault . . 而不是讓它們在地窖里爛掉

Mark my words , you ' re gonna give her the crotch - rot 記住我的話吧,你會把她害慘的

He ' s out there rotting there ' s some sick shit 他定是爛在外面了,外面的樹林里面

Instead of letting them rot in some underground vault 而不是讓它們在地窖里爛掉

Another consideration is that rots may 另一方面的考慮是, rot可能隨著時間的推移而

My life is screwed anyway . we ' ll rot together 反正我已經沒救了我們就一起遭殃吧

Oil and grease will rot the rubber of your tires 汽油和潤滑油會腐蝕你的輪胎。

These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell 這些腐爛的香蕉發出難聞的氣味

Instead ofletting them rot in some underground vault 而不是讓它們在地窖里爛掉

Bullies at school should rot in hell . let ' s go 在學校里以大欺小就該去死咱們走

The prisoner is left to rot in the jail 這個囚徒被投入監獄任憑他漸漸消瘦下去。

On successful return , the new enumerator for the rot 成功返回時rot的新枚舉數。

Nixon would have to put himself at the head of this movement of reform, brutally eradicate the rot . 尼克松本人必須領導這場改革,大刀闊斧地革除弊病。

In his lung the rot was spreading fast; soon it would put an end to all pangs and questionings . 他的肺很快地在爛掉,不久一切痛苦和疑慮就會結束了。

Do you want to go back to the states or do you want to rot over here in a prison camp ? 你是打算將來還要回美國去呢,還是情愿留在這兒蹲班房?