
rosy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.薔薇[玫瑰]色的;...


She painted a rosy picture of the firm ' s future 她為公司的前景描繪了一幅美好的圖畫。

Oh , belive me , rosy i won ' t tell anybody about this 哦,相信我,羅西我誰也不會告訴的

You look all rosy . are you feeling better 你看起來不錯你現在感覺好些了嗎

She by the name of rose has rosy cheeks 叫做玫瑰的她有玫瑰一樣紅潤的臉頰。

Introduction - rosy has the dream become may fung 序:夢愈呈玫瑰色彩馮美華

And i guess things are looking rosy again on the nasdaq 我想納斯達克指數看來很樂觀

U broke the pact rosy , it ' s was 16 years ago 你違反協定了羅西,那已經是16年以前了

The insistence in your life leads to a rosy future 生命的堅守,下一站更美麗。

U know the stupid singer rosy said i was fat , 你知道嗎?那個愚蠢的羅西說我很胖

It speaks of rosy flesh and seeded womb 它道破了玫瑰般肌膚與受孕子宮的秘密。 )

Girls of all ages, rosy from the air, and bubbling over with that gleeful excitement that comes from running to school, hurried, skipped . 一群不同年齡的女孩子匆匆忙忙連蹦帶跳地一溜小跑去上學,一張張被寒風吹得紅紅的臉,卻抑制不住她們興高采烈的激情。

She is so fresh in her rosy and yet delicate bloom, that the drops of rain, which have been beaten on her hair, look like the dew upon a flower fresh gathered . 她正當妙齡,面色緋紅而嬌艷,落在她頭發上的雨水,宛如摘下來的鮮花上的露珠。

It was at this point that we at supreme head quarters began to lose heart, though in the field things still looked rosy . 此時戰場上的形勢雖然看來很樂觀,但是我們身在最高司令部的人員已經開始灰心喪氣了。

A tall creature, whose eyes were large and brown, whose face was rosy and ironical, entered with a manly stride . 一個高個兒,長著大大的、棕色的眼睛,一張又紅又帶有諷刺的面孔,雄赳赳地大踏步走了進來。

I was surprised and cheered to see how far dawn was advanced: what rosy streaks were beginning to brighten the east ! 看到黎明早已來臨,一道道玫瑰色霞光已照亮東方,我又驚又喜。

She dwelt in a paradise of rosy tints, in which there were neither violent shadows nor glaring lights . 她住在一個玫瑰色彩的樂園里,那里既沒有極度的陰暗,也沒有耀眼的光輝。

He bent over the golden head, and put the rosy lips to his, and folded her in his arms . 他低頭伏在那金發上,然后把那玫瑰色的嘴唇湊到自己的嘴上,把她抱在懷里。

Mr. rosier started on his pilgrimage to the italian capital and reached it on the first of november . 羅齊先生開始了他向意大利首都的朝圣旅行,于11月1日抵達。

Poor rosier was aware that he had blushed; he was distressed at his want of assurance . 可憐的羅齊爾一下子覺得臉上火辣辣的,他有些傷心,感到一點指望也沒有。