
rostral adj.1.【動物;動物學】喙的,嘴的;有嘴的。2.【建...


The nucleus of the solitary tract ( nts ) innervates the visceral primary afferents of most organs in the neck , chest and abdomen . the rostral part of nts receives the special visceral , gustatory afferents , while the mid - caudal part receives the respiratory , gastrointestinal and cardiovascular afferents 孤束核( nts )接受頸、胸和腹腔大部分內臟器官的感覺傳入,其吻段1 / 3主要與特殊內臟感覺的味覺傳入有關,中尾段2 / 3主要與呼吸器官、胃腸道和心血管等內臟傳入有關。

( 2 ) our experimental results have shown the topographycal distribution of the cfs of neurons in a - 1 . generally the neurons with high cfs laid in the rostral part of a - 1 , and the neurons with low cfs laid in its caudal part . the similar isofrequency strip was observed in a - i cortex (二)大鼠皮層a區聽神經元的特征頻率( cf )分布具有分域特性, cf為高頻的神經元分布在a區嘴側, cf為低頻的神經元分布在a區尾側,實驗還發現在a區的內外側方向有類似的等頻帶存在。

It “ s shown from the results that the pituitary gland of silurus asotus originates from two embryonic cells of different position ; and the doral wall of the original cavum oris forms the rostral pars distali ( rpd ) and the proximal pars distalis ( ppd ) ; the infundibulum of the ventral part of diencephalons forms the the pars intermedia ( pi ) and the neurohypophsis 結果表明:鲇腦垂體由兩個不同部位的胚胎細胞形成,原始口腔背壁外胚層分離出來的細胞構成腺垂體的前外側部( rpd )和中外側部( ppd ) ,從間腦腹面漏斗體分離出來的細胞構成腺垂體中間部( pi )及神經垂體( nh ) 。

Angiotensin ii in rostral ventrolateral medulla mediates amino acids release from spinally projecting nerve terminals in the spinal cord 延髓頭端腹外側區血管緊張素對脊髓投射神經元氨基酸遞質釋放的調節

The gnrh molecule is synthesized in a small number of neurons in rostral hypothalamic regions of the brain Gnrh是由下丘腦少量神經元分泌的激素。

Rostral is often used synonymously with anterior in descriptions of the brain 在描述腦時,嘴側常常是前的同義詞。

Rostral ventrolateral medulla intermediolateral column 脊髓中間外側柱