
rostra n.rostrum 的復數。


Second , the learning - case teaching mode makes use of the teaching material ' s function fully and makes up its lack to let students not only understand the knowledge inside it but master the math thought and method . third , the learning - case teaching mode frees the teacher from the rostrum to keep him having enough time and energy to foster students “ unintelligent factors that are important to develop the students “ creative ability by taking the place of the teachers “ mouth with the learning case 數學學案為學生提供了相關的數學史,展現了知識的生長點,解除了學生學習中的疑問,并以數學思想為主線,通過改變問題的條件、探索結論成立的條件、推廣結論、引申結論等方式,從教材中的老問題衍生出一系列沒有答案的新問題,啟動學生的元認知,引導學生去挖掘教材中的寶藏,從而彌補教材的不足。

Both emperors pronounced panegyrics for their father from the rostra , and they appointed a flamen for him chosen from their own kinsmen and a college of aurelian priests55 from their closest friends 兩位皇帝在講壇上對他們的父親發表了贊辭,并且在他們的親戚中為他任命了一個祭司,另一個來自奧里利安的一個祭司團,從他們的親密朋友中挑選( 55 ) 。

It is an honour and a great pleasure for me to share the rostrum this morning with our distinguished guests from canada , korea , beijing and guangzhou to officiate the opening of the information infrastructure exposition & conference 2001 我非常高興和榮幸今日與來自加拿大、韓國、北京和廣州的嘉賓一齊為香港資訊基建博覽2001主持開幕典禮。

We said this from the rostrum of parliament but the other parties did not have the courage even to act against those elements from the panchayat system that the malik commission had identified as criminals 我們在議會的講壇上指出了這些,但其它政黨們甚至沒有勇氣去反對被馬利克委員會認定為犯罪分子的無黨派評議會中的反動分子。

When i came to this rostrum on september the 20th , 2001 , i brought the police shield of a fallen officer , my reminder of lives that ended , and a task that does not end 當我在2001年9月20日登上這一講壇時,我帶來了一名犧牲的警官佩戴的盾形徽章。這枚徽章提醒我記住那些獻出自己生命的人,督促我完成尚未完成的使命。

“ yesterday , ladies and gentlemen , from this rostrum , the president of the united states , the gentleman to whom i refer as the devil , came here , talking as if he owned the world 。 “女士們、先生們,昨天,美國總統,這個被我稱作魔鬼的人,來到了這里,說起話來就像他是全世界的主人一樣。 ”

There was a short disruption in the proceedings , when barbara , a german peace activist , jumped to the track and ran to the speaker ' s rostrum in order to deliver her message for world peace 一位名叫芭芭拉的德國和平活動人士跳到跑道上,沖上講臺,想發表她關于世界和平的講話。

A : sorry , shall i first make an introduction of the responsible people present on the rostrum and then i ' ' ll take your question 抱歉,我要首先介紹一下在主席臺上就座的負責人,然后我再回答您的問題。

On an appointed day herod , having put on his royal apparel , took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them 徒12 : 21希律在所定的日子、穿上朝服、坐在位上、對他們講論一番。

Experts ' rostrum : well - known experts in the industry are invited to express their original ideas about technologies or markets 專家講壇:邀請業內知名專家,發表其在技術或市場方面的獨到見解。

Mount the rostrum 登上頒獎臺

The day of the uprising to the rostrum , their armies response and action 到了起義的那天,各路義軍一齊響應,起義軍如星火燎原。

Rostrum corporis callosi 胼胝體嘴

Zhu yuan zhang ( king of dynasty ming ) joint rostrum resistance forces to the intifada 朱元璋聯合各路反抗力量準備起義。

China ? asean business and investment summit ? platforill , stage & rostrum 平臺、舞臺、精英論壇? ?中國? ?東盟商務與投資鋒會!

China - asean business and investment summit ? platform , stage rostrum 平臺、舞臺、精英論壇?中國-東盟商務與投資峰會

It grasps its victim in its forelegs and pierce it with its rostrum 它用前腿抓住犧牲品,把喙刺入對方身體。

Then he advanced to the rostrum 然后他向主席臺走去。

Those who sit on the rostrum are somebodies of the school 坐在主席臺上的那些人都是學校有頭有臉的人物。