
rostov n.羅斯托夫〔俄羅斯港市〕 (=Rostov-on-Do...


Rostov , make haste and come along 羅斯托夫,我們快走。

Rostov gazed at what was passing before him as at a hunt 羅斯托夫像看獵犬逐獸似的看著面前發生的一切。

Theyre fine fellows ! said rostov , laughing . well , have you any hay 羅斯托夫笑著說, “這兒有干草嗎? ”

And do you feel quite calm ? asked rostov 羅斯托夫問道。

Your honour , the generals ! said the sergeant , riding up to rostov 驃騎兵士官走到羅斯托夫跟前時說道。

Rostov smiling , soothed the dragoon , and gave him money 羅斯托夫面露笑容,安慰這個騎兵,把錢給他了。

I have no money with me , said rostov “我身上沒有帶錢。 ”

Wheres the village elder ? shouted rostov 羅斯托夫又喊道。

Now do you understand the uncle ? her appearance had said to rostov 她的出現仿佛在對羅斯托夫這樣說。

Rostov did not look at the colonel now ; he had no time 羅斯托夫已經不去望團長了,他沒有工夫去望他。

He informed his sister of his engagement to the younger rostov 安德烈公爵宣布,他和羅斯托娃訂婚了。

Much use to me , said rostov , throwing the letter under the table 羅斯托夫把信扔到桌子底下時,說道。

There were tears in rostovs eyes 羅斯托夫的眼里噙滿淚水。

Oh , damn you and all the rest , were the last words rostov heard “咳,你算了吧,你們大家算了吧。 ”

Meeting his eyes , rostov hid his face with the letter 羅斯托夫和他的目光相遇之后,用信把臉捂住了。

I am living at countess rostovs , said boris , again adding : your excellency 安娜米哈伊洛夫娜說道。

Not on any consideration ! shouted rostov 羅斯托夫高聲喊道。

Pierre made up his mind not to visit the rostovs again 皮埃爾暗自決定,自己不再到羅斯托夫家去了。

It is the father of the rostovs who is called ilya , the sons nikolay 那是很久很久以前的事啊。 ”