
rossetti n.羅塞蒂〔姓氏〕。


Believing all forms of art to be interrelated , the pre - raphaelite artists often took subjects for their paintings from famous works p literature ; alternately , many of them wrote poems to accompany their artwork . ( you can see these poems around the margins of some of their works . ) morris and dante gabriel rossetti ( particularly morris ) took an interest in illustrating books as well ; morris produced the wonderful , acclaimed kelmscott chaucer later in his career 因為相信所有藝術形式是交互關聯的,拉斐爾前派藝術家經常從文學名著中為繪畫取材;許多成員有時會寫詩來陪襯藝術作品. (你可以在某些繪畫作品的邊緣看到他們寫的詩) .莫里斯和羅塞提(特別是莫里斯)也對畫插畫很有興趣;里斯在他的事業生涯后期在他的凱姆史考特印刷社出版了極受激賞了的喬叟作品

They talked together on swinburne and rossetti , after which she led him beyond his depth into the by - paths of french literature 她和他一起討論史文朋和羅塞蒂,然后便把他引進了馬丁感到陌生的法國文學的小胡同已去。

What shall assuage the unforgotten pain / and teach the unforgetful to forget ( dante gabriel rossetti 什么會撫慰不能忘卻的痛苦/并且讓無法忘懷的人學會遺忘? (但丁?加布利亞爾?羅塞蒂) 。

She was one of rossetti ' s favorite models 她是羅賽蒂最喜歡的模特兒之一。