
rosicrucian n.1.煉金[占星]術士〔十七、十八世紀一些自稱屬于會玄...


They should not be mistaken for the modern rosicrucian groups , which have no direct connection with the ancient movement 他們不應被誤認為現代薔薇十字會組織,后者與這一古老運動沒有直接聯系。

By 1623 the german rosicrucian movement was crushed under the weight of the counter - reformation led by the jesuits 在1623年,德國薔薇十字會運動被由耶穌會士領導的反對改革的勢力所* * 。

Associated with these traditions is the rosicrucian movement which appeared in the seventeenth century 與這些傳統有關的是出現于十七世紀的薔薇十字會運動。

The rosicrucian manifesto created quite a stir in european circles 薔薇十字會的宣言對歐洲造成相當大的震動。